Doggo renumbering thread 1/5
There has been a doggo reorganization here at #yurtville. Details in this thread.
Last weekend we got the insulation cut and fitted, screwed down the subfloor, and trimmed it to final diameter. This morning we put the remaining materials on the subfloor and covered it all with a big tarp. Good thing - it's been raining steadily most of the afternoon. Probably no more work will be accomplished till next week.
Two days of hard work. Joist bridging done and rim joist installed. The attempt at a kerf-bent run joist was a labor intensive failure, so we built the rim joist up using layers of half inch redwood bender board. The final outlines of the deck is now visible. Next step is applying the decking (once it is finally delivered).
The office yurt deck is getting closer to its intended shape. 8 joists still to trim, but it got too dark to work. Tomorrow: finish those off, install the blocking, the start kerf-bending the rim joist. Ooh, and run over the hill to pick up some fasteners (grumble).
The decking delivery is delayed. We're already a week behind schedule, that'll bump us out a bit more. I might have to take a day or two off from the day job to make up some time.
We got about 80% of the joists done today, though not all of them are cut to length. And there's no bridging, and the rim joist will be tricky. Still, with just one helper it was excellent progress. They main part of the deck is starting to be visibly circular.
Perimeter frame blocking went fast, except for the two members on each side that connect to a single post. The post end was easy, but the beam end required a very oblique cut at an angle that none of the equipment could handle safely. Some dangerous work with power miter saw was required, followed by the sawzall and a lot of belt sander work to get the last few mm right.
This photo is taken from the main yurt deck, and should show the rough shape of the office yurt deck better.
In between wildfires, family health emergencies, COVID, and the general craziness that is 2020, we're building another yurt to use as an office. With help from Doggo1 and Doggo 2, today I placed the last beams of the main deck. Next step is perimeter blocking, followed by joists.
@ElectricMink it's both and more. new swarm + new queen + new hive + new location. we'll have a few days of cool weather, which will encourage them to make themselves at home, get used to the queen, free her from her candy trap, and generally get settled. #bees #yurtville
We have bees! A friend installed three pounds of honeybees and a queen yesterday. Mercalli supervised from a safe distance. #bees #yurtville #mercalli