Gizmodo: Are Star Wars' Extragalactic Ambitions What They Seem in Ahsoka? #starwarsepisodeiiattackoftheclones #starwarsepisodeiiirevengeofthesith #starwarsinothermedia #grandadmiralthrawn #fictionalcyborgs #thenewjediorder #europeanunion #internetmemes #morganelsbeth #cassianandor #yuuzhanvong #ezrabridger #luthenrael #palpatine #lucasfilm #darthsion #jacensolo #starwars #rakatans #stellan
#starwarsepisodeiiattackoftheclones #starwarsepisodeiiirevengeofthesith #starwarsinothermedia #grandadmiralthrawn #fictionalcyborgs #thenewjediorder #europeanunion #internetmemes #morganelsbeth #cassianandor #yuuzhanvong #ezrabridger #luthenrael #palpatine #lucasfilm #darthsion #jacensolo #starwars #rakatans #stellan
My #StarWars #YuuzhanVong from #AIArt I created a while ago.
The YVs do not CARE about the Force as they are absent from it. #LegendsCanon
Force powers (push & mind tricks) don't work on them. Lightsabers, block to a point. Pain is the game = #BDSM.
#starwars #yuuzhanvong #aiart #legendscanon #bdsm
Commander Zhat Lah swam under the ice shelves of Helska V frozen oceans with a gnullith covering his mouth as head tentacles maintain his body temperature of 37 C in the -150 C ocean. Vongforming began as lifeforms mutated to escalate themselves for adaptation for the Yuuzhan Vong. Those that failed to mutate were sacrificed to extinction. New and improved lifeforms that survived the cold shock would be made into biological technology (biots) as blessings.
For #StarWars fans who like Discord. Here's my server. We're heavy into #Thrawn and the #YuuzhanVong. Join us!
#starwars #thrawn #yuuzhanvong
I love the #StarWars #YuuzhanVong hate me #StarWarsExpandedUniverse #SWEU
Image by #DaveFiloni
#davefiloni #starwars #yuuzhanvong #starwarsexpandeduniverse #sweu