Santa Claus is really a Bengali man that reads minds and grants wishes. AiSalami does Amitav Ghosh, or the other way around:
> A priceless exchange on ChatGPT, from OpenAI. I'm soon going to be out of work.
#AmitavGhosh #GhoshAmitav If Amitav Ghosh has a longer piece about #AI #ChatGPT #stories and #Nukes it probably won't be full of irritating cliche's like #YuvalNoahHarari's work. #SantaClaus
#santaclaus #yuvalnoahharari #nukes #stories #chatgpt #ai #ghoshamitav #AmitavGhosh
> Since 1945 we have known that nuclear technology could generate cheap energy for the benefit of humans—but could also physically destroy human civilisation.
The article seems stupid, but part of it motivated me to see if Amitav Ghosh wrote about AI(Salami)
> We have always appreciated the power of stories...
#YuvalNoahHarari is like a recent #AlvinToffler stringing together cliches that seem smart?
#NuclearTechnoloty #Nukes #NuclearWeapons #NuclearEnergy #AISalami #Salami
#salami #aisalami #nuclearenergy #nuclearweapons #nukes #nucleartechnoloty #AlvinToffler #yuvalnoahharari
Der Körper bleibt im Hier und JetztGeographie ist Schicksal #Transhumanismus #YuvalNoahHarari #PaulVirilio #Biopolitik #Geographie #Kommentar
#kommentar #geographie #biopolitik #paulvirilio #yuvalnoahharari #transhumanismus
一个人对于自己的home country如何评价或在探讨一个会涉及自己祖国的话题时怎么说总会引起我的注意及思考,能够给予足够反思或者少量批评的人至少给我的感觉较好。最近翻看#YuvalNoahHarari 的21 Lessons for 21 Century. 一般我不喜欢这样的书名,感觉跟JP的12 Rules for Life一样Ego过大,要吞天一样,但偶然看到Yuval这样形容祖国 #以色列 ,让我回忆连篇。
#YuvalNoahHarari on the threat to #democracy in #Israel
#yuvalnoahharari #democracy #israel
Warning: Famous Gay Jewish Leader Wants to Rewrite the Bible Using AI #YuvalNoahHarari #AI
This will only get worse, know your Bible so you have the knowledge and understanding to disprove these people.
Among all the people I know, those who admire #yuvalnoahharari are usually programmers or people of natural sciences. Some are great fans of him.
Those who despise his work or at least very skeptical and critical about it, are people from historical fields and people (including me) who actually have taken his classes.
#yuvalnoahharari #academy #history #science #skeptic #humanities
Guardei pra ver mais tarde esta entrevista ao #YuvalNoahHarari em #Lisboa. A avaliar pela quantidade de comentários a acusa-lo de satanismo globalista deve valer a pena 😅
"If we are so smart, why do we do so many stupid things?"
-- Yuval Noah Harari
#humanity #yuvalnoahharari #yuvalharari
// #YuvalNoahHarari : The actual cost of preventing climate breakdown :
#tedtalks #ted #repost #yuvalnoahharari
- Hatalom
- Alapjövedelem
- A jövő
- Digitális diktatúra
- A fasizmus vonzása
- Hatalom és fikció
- Agymanók
- Szép új világ
- Emberhekkelés
- Hatalom
- Alapjövedelem
- A jövő
- Digitális diktatúra
- A fasizmus vonzása
- Hatalom és fikció
- Agymanók
- Szép új világ
- Emberhekkelés
- Hatalom
- Alapjövedelem
- A jövő
- Digitális diktatúra
- A fasizmus vonzása
- Hatalom és fikció
- Agymanók
- Szép új világ
- Emberhekkelés
"AI does not need consciousness or mastering of the physical world in order to put Human civilisation at risk of collapse. I only needs to hack our language."
--Yuval Noah Harari
#yuvalnoahharari #yuvalharari #ai
"Humans rule the world because we are able collaborate flexibly in huge numbers. No other species can do this."
-- Yuval Noah Harari
«...El vertiginoso desarrollo de ámbitos tales como la ingeniería genética, la medicina regenerativa y la nanotecnología fomenta profecías cada vez más optimistas. Algunos expertos creen que los humanos vencerán la muerte hacia 2200, otros dicen que lo harán en 2100. Kurzweil y De Grey¹ son incluso más optimistas: sostienen que quienquiera que en 2050 posea un cuerpo y una cuenta bancaria sanos, tendrá una elevada probabilidad de alcanzar la inmortalidad al engañar a la muerte una década trás otra».
¹ Aubrey De Grey, gerontólogo ganador de la medalla nacional de tecnología y la innovación de Estados Unidos, en 1999; Ray Kurzweil, erudito e inventor, director de ingeniería de Google en 2012.
📚 #HomoDeus #YuvalNoahHarari
Useless quote for 10 April:
"But in reality, there is no reason to assume that artificial intelligence will gain consciousness, because intelligence and consciousness are very different things.
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Consciousness is the ability to feel things such as pain, joy, love and anger.
Mammals solve most problems by feeling things. Computers, however, solve problems in a very different way."
Yuval Noah Harari (2018)
#uselessquote #yuvalnoahharari
The curiosities of current LLM outputs is of almost no importance. I find it all boring tbh.
Once they are linked with natural language parsing and semantic interpretation, and association with our historic internet footprint - a la Google Search - and connected to databases of "knowledge" we have a big problem.
Those databases might be curated by well-meaning people (or well-meant algorithms) and be almost all true, or they might be designed to corrupt and lie for nefarious economic or political purposes, or just be the hobby of a maniac, or the preaching of a religious zealot.
That's bad.
Worse is that there will be no way we can tell which is which, or if either are not the person we think we are speaking with.
Can there possibly be any way out of this?
Actually it's easy!
Talking face to face with a human being, let's use the word "friend" for this rather than an unknown +1 clicker, say at school or work or home, or sports team or farm or bar, or on a forest walk, or paddling in the shallows on a beach.
"Off-grid" is not a bad future, and may be unavoidable.
#AI #Surveillance #Humanity #LLM #BigData #OffGrid #YuvalNoahHarari #ShoshanaZuboff
#ai #surveillance #humanity #llm #bigdata #offgrid #yuvalnoahharari #shoshanazuboff