Why was I sleeping on #YvetteYoung's Covet. I always liked #mathrock elements but I can't start listening to bands because most of them are often too busy, too long, or even too masturbatory which actually makes them more boring and uninteresting.
Covet's songs are not overly complex and still danceable no matter what meter and a lot of the songs are my preferable pop song length. It's done if it's done and if I ever want more of it, then I repeat it.
It's #BandcampFriday and also #NewRelease day. Check out the new album Catharsis by #Covet.
#bandcampfriday #newrelease #covet #yvetteyoung #progressivemetal #progrock
Tough day but finding one of your favorite bands has a new album made my day! Pre-order only but yay! #Covet #YvetteYoung https://covetband.bandcamp.com/album/catharsis
Saw #Covet w/ #YvetteYoung in Brooklyn last night. Amazing set. They were on fire. Found a couple pix.
Cory Wong talking with Yvette Young: https://www.premierguitar.com/artists/wong-notes-episode-6-yvette-young-of-covet
#guitar #yvetteyoung #corywong
#guitar #yvetteyoung #corywong