Ok, Read speed test is done!
Interesting note, the write speed test uses BDOS calls, while the read test uses BIOS calls. The latter is a little bit faster, and achieves 14kB/s on a bit-banged SD-card.
Check it out here:
Short call, but i just got home.
Will be live at 18:15, in roughly 20 minutes.
Lets code on CP/M Plus & Z80!
My Drive Tool for CP/M Plus is almost done.
What it already does:
-Save Boottracks to File
-Write File to Boottracks
-Wipe Directory
-Write Speed test
What may work:
-Wipe Drive. This may get the number of tracks wrong and might damage a real floppy drive
What isn't implemented:
-Read speed test
Go ahead, give it a try and fix you broken directories:
Just a small patch to write core & CPU-state at runtime for Udo Munk's z80sim. Shall implement the reverse operation, too.
Peoples Computer Company, Jan 1977, highest quality, The paper is nearly rotten, you can see it on the first and last sides. Getting more routine in scanning.
#retrocomputing #pcc #z80 #mos6502 #oldschool #magazine #newspaper
#retrocomputing #pcc #z80 #mos6502 #oldschool #magazine #newspaper
The Case for Modern #8bit Computing: https://www.magesguild.io/the-argument-for-modern-8-bit-computing/ #retrocomputing #retrogaming #z80 #mos6502
#mos6502 #z80 #retrogaming #RetroComputing #8bit
Got a #z80 based computer? Then you need CP/M, LokiOS is a new, modern implementation.
Peoples Computer Company, March 1977, highest quality, minor issues with my light, but flatened with a glass pane. Looks good. Time to digitize 25 mins
#retrocomputing #pcc #z80 #mos6502 #oldschool #magazine #newspaper
#retrocomputing #pcc #z80 #mos6502 #oldschool #magazine #newspaper
so going on a holiday with the wife this week. it involves a flight to "that there" london, a 5 hour layover and then 9 hour flight.
so a lot of reading time without the web. I'm not taking a laptop, only an android tablet. so I'm loading it up with issues of old Amstrad Computer User as theres some nice z80 guides in there.
so, anyone recommend any other older magazines with good #z80 guides spectrum or cpc would probably be my first choice but open to suggestions
The PacComm advertisement claims this TNC ran for 2 full days off a 9 volt battery.
This is basically a full Z80 computer with SIO and 32k ram.
(eprom is missing in this photo)
The printer option would have added an Intel 8255 4pin IC.
I guess they made 9 volt batteries stronger back in the 1980s lol
I'm adding typecasts to the #Quiche #compiler. This is the next step toward full function support. In #Pascal typecast syntax is the same as a function.
b := integer(a);
This gives me the hooks I need to call functions within expressions and handle the return value. But typecasts generate inline code so I don't have to do stack frames yet.
#z80 #pascal #compiler #quiche
Doodling and scribbling notes for #gamedev ideas to use #z80.
I have procedural generated dungeon maker script that i wrote years ago in php for another project that im thinking would make a good test project to convert to z80 to do some #gamedev with it.
(Php script http://www.geraldkelly.co.uk/games/dungeon/
Its totally not optimised. Its just a proof of concept thing)
Im just starting my notes on what sort of functions or memory labels and variables etc I'll need and already I think i have to de- bug it all.
Delighted to receive my Z-1 replica from The High Nibble! Now I just need to find time to start assembling! https://thehighnibble.com #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #z80 #computerhistory
#retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #z80 #computerhistory
@raymierussell @Wintermute_BBS
this is the one I found interesting today,
a great read on the way the arcade game "space invaders" works from an assembly coding point of view. not neccesarily the best way lol...
whats great is after only a month of making an effort to learn z80, I can follow this sort of stuff now lol. its great if your learning z80 with an aim to make games to see how things can be done.
#retrogaming #z80 #assembly #machinecode
Amazing 🤯 build on essentially a modern Retro Computer.
Newbie type Question for #z80 #assemblyprogramming types in case im missing it or doing it wrong.
Is there a quicker way to get both nibbles from a byte. Not a BCD though. So to take a byte in register a,put each nibble into hl i do some shifts to right then left and a subtraction.
Is there mabe a command im missing, some binary math invert wizardry or is this a acceptable way to do this.
Ld a, %11111010
Ld h,a
Srl h
Srl h
Srl h
Srl h
Ld e, h
Sla e
Sla e
Sla e
Sla e
Sub e
Ld l, a
Hey #8bit #retrocomputing Tooters... if you were building a new 8-bit machine with lots of RAM, and you had 2 banked RAM regions (one 32KB, one 8KB), which configuration would you rather have? Basically, how would you distribute 2MB + 512KB? #6809 #6502 #z80
Have done some more additional work on my not quite a game yet.
The sprite is now 'animated', has bit more character (eyes) and is now located at the bottom of the screen.
I have narrowed the playing area.
As before the the sprite moves continually and only changes direction if it reaches the end of the screen or the user presses the space bar.
Additionally there is a 'bolt of lightning' that comes from the top of the screen. As of yet with no affect.
#zxspectrum #z80 #dev