73 years ago:
Guilty Bystander (US)
A drunken ex-cop gets a shot at redemption when his young son is kidnapped after a smuggling deal goes belly up.
#GuiltyBystander #ZacharyScott #FayeEmerson #Movies
#guiltybystander #zacharyscott #fayeemerson #movies
75 years ago:
Ruthless (US)
Horace Vendig always gets what he wants. Even as a poor youth, he charmed his way into high society by getting the father of his friend, Martha, to foot the bill for his Harvard education. When Vic, another childhood pal, is invited to Horace's mansion for a party, he brings along Mallory Flagg, who...
#Ruthless #EdgarGUlmer #ZacharyScott #DianaLynn #SydneyGreenstreet #Movies
#RUTHLESS #edgargulmer #zacharyscott #dianalynn #sydneygreenstreet #movies
And, of course, our #NoirAlley leading men this week are Richard Todd and Zachary Scott (both pictured with Ruth Roman)
#TCMParty #LightningStrikesTwice #RichardTodd #FilmNoir #ZacharyScott #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #lightningstrikestwice #richardtodd #filmnoir #zacharyscott #darknessatnoon
And of course our #NoirAlley leading men this week are Zachary Scott and Lew Ayres
#TCMParty #TheUnfaithful #ZacharyScott #LewAyres #FilmNoir #Noirvember #DarknessAtNoon
#noiralley #tcmparty #theunfaithful #zacharyscott #lewayres #filmnoir #noirvember #darknessatnoon