On Charles Dickens as “sentimental, theatrical, moralistic, and controlling” (Zadie Smith) — and the end of “Our Mutual Friend”. #111Words #CharlesDickens #OurMutualFriend #Novels #TheNewYorker #ZadieSmith #Sentimentality #Theatricality #Moralism #Controlling #Paranoia https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/08/on-charles-dickens-as-sentimental.html
#paranoia #controlling #Moralism #theatricality #sentimentality #zadiesmith #thenewyorker #novels #ourmutualfriend #charlesdickens #111words
I love Zadie Smith and I love this essay. #ZadieSmith #bookstodon
On Killing Charles Dickens, by Zadie Smith | The New Yorker
@janejorgenson @penguinrandom @bookstodon @ewgc very interesting #bookmail and many of these I hadn’t heard about! Going to look into #Fraud by #ZadieSmith who has enough talent for two or three authors
"In an excoriating and powerful speech, author Zadie Smith spoke today at the Writers Rebel gathering outside 55 Tufton Street, where she spoke about the Conservative ‘Common Sense’ group of MPs and in particular Craig MacKinlay, who campaigns against green policies..."
#UniteToSurvive #TheBigOne #ExtinctionRebellion #55TuftonStreet
#zadiesmith #unitetosurvive #thebigone #extinctionrebellion #55tuftonstreet
#ZadieSmith – #TuftonStreet – More Evil Than #ClimateDenial https://realmedia.press/zadie-smith-tufton-street/
#climatedenial #TuftonStreet #zadiesmith
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR7JjPdj/ Review of Telephone by Percival Everett and other February reads #percivaleverett #zadiesmith #MiriamToews #VietThanhNguyen #pulitzer
#percivaleverett #zadiesmith #miriamtoews #vietthanhnguyen #pulitzer
Na moim blogu opublikowałem artykuł o filmie #TÁR, który uważam za wielopoziomowy komentarz dotyczący cancel culture, indywidualizmu, konformizmu, muzycznej erudycji, przemocy, nadużywania władzy i tracenia wizerunku.
W artykule unikam obnażania fabularnych twistów, ale – wchodząc w polemikę z Zadie Smith – zdradzam część epilogu.
Zapraszam do lektury:
#CancelCulture #CateBlanchett #ErikaLopezPrater #FlorianHoffmeister #HildurGuðnadóttir #JacquesDerrida #LydiaTár #MarinAlsop #ToddField #ZadieSmith #film #Oscars
#tar #cancelculture #cateblanchett #erikalopezprater #florianhoffmeister #hildurgudnadottir #jacquesderrida #lydiatar #marinalsop #toddfield #zadiesmith #film #oscars
“The very reason I write is so that I might not sleepwalk through my entire life.” - Zadie Smith
#writingcommunity #writing #screenwriting #storytelling #bookstodon #ZadieSmith #authorquotes
#writingcommunity #writing #screenwriting #storytelling #bookstodon #zadiesmith #authorquotes
"But, in America, all of these involved some culpability on the part of the dead. Wrong place, wrong time. Wrong skin color. Wrong side of the tracks. Wrong Zip Code, wrong beliefs, wrong city. Wrong position of hands when asked to exit the vehicle. Wrong health insurance—or none. Wrong attitude to the police officer"
#zadiesmith #intimations #bookexcerpts
“(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman” — I used to listen to that song and try to imagine its counterpart. You could make someone feel like a “real” man—no doubt its own kind of cage—but never a natural one. A man was a man was a man. He bent nature to his will. He did not submit to it, except in death. Submission to nature was to be my realm, but I wanted no part of that.
#zadiesmith #intimations #bookexcerpts
[It] put me in mind of Nabokov, describing the supposed genesis of Lolita: “As far as I can recall, the initial shiver of inspiration was somehow prompted by a newspaper story about an ape in the Jardin des Plantes, who, after months of coaxing by a scientist, produced the first drawing ever charcoaled by an animal: this sketch showed the bars of the poor creature’s cage.”
I’ve always been interested in that quote—without believing a word of it.
#zadiesmith #intimations #books
One of my favourite #novels is #Pnin by #Nabokov. I heard #ZadieSmith recommend it on #AGoodRead a couple of decades ago. #Books
#books #agoodread #zadiesmith #nabokov #pnin #novels