"In the Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus)" is a #1969 hit song by the American pop-rock duo of #ZagerAndEvans. It reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 for six weeks commencing July 12, 1969. It peaked at number one in the #UKSinglesChart for three weeks in August and September that year. The song was written and composed by Rick Evans in 1964 and originally released on a small regional record label (Truth Records) in 1968.
#zagerandevans #uksingleschart
Now it's been ten thousand years
Man has cried a billion tears
For what he never knew
Now man's reign is through
Minor Key . Net Playlist 1/2/23
Today's theme may be too subtle to be easily deciphered.
#AkikoSuwanai #AndrisNelsons #ArrestedDevelopment
#PublicEnemy #PlusMinusEnsemble #PaulChambers Quintet
#ZagerAndEvans #SimonAndGarfunkel
#Sibelius #Shostakovich #JoannaBailie
APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-1-2-23/pl.u-xlyNqrWuJvW1meE
QOBUZ: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/12849800
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0yNwR9TIRAx0NFC6WKZSL4?si=e95f4c71bb5240aa
#playlist #ClassicalMusic #Jazz #nowplaying #ensemble #quintet #news #violin #NewYear
#akikosuwanai #andrisnelsons #arresteddevelopment #publicenemy #plusminusensemble #paulchambers #zagerandevans #simonandgarfunkel #sibelius #shostakovich #joannabailie #playlists #playlist #classicalmusic #jazz #nowplaying #ensemble #quintet #news #violin #newyear
:) @Zager_Guitars@twitter.com #zagerandevans #lincolnnebraska
#zagerandevans #lincolnnebraska