#UkraineWar, Day 533: 1 Killed, 60+ Wounded in Mystery Explosion at Military Plant Near #Moscow
#UkraineWar #Moscow #russia #zagorsk
First #Zagorsk rumors were about "fireworks", but looks like the boom was from slightly bigger sources: the factory was producing (or at least warehousing) artillery ammunition.
h/t @randahl
Incidentally, next month a movie premieres about an ammunition factory explosion 47 years ago at Lapua, Finland. 40 people were killed and 60 injured when gunpowder loading machine sparked a fire.
Why is there a pyrotechnics warehouse within the grounds of a critical optical manufacturing plant???
"The #Zagorsk Optical-Mechanical Plant, referred to as “ZOMZ,” produces night vision devices and binoculars for the Russian military as part of #Russia’s defense conglomerate #Rostec." @ZagorskPlant #UkraineWar #Ukraine
#ukraine #UkraineWar #Rostec #Russia #zagorsk