When the solution becomes the problem
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#zak3 #thevisitors #paper #scifi #sculpture #interstellarcene #karlheinzjeron #art #chronicles #context #outerspace #beautiful #hallucination #happy #total #art #artgram
#artgram #total #happy #hallucination #beautiful #outerspace #context #Chronicles #art #karlheinzjeron #interstellarcene #sculpture #SciFi #paper #thevisitors #zak3
At home with Zak3
A Welcome Habitat tabloid interviews Zak3 for their regular feature: "The readers ask, Zak3 answers."
"Do you have any questions for Zak3? Leave them in the comments below!"
Don't miss the next episode of The Visitors: https://tinyletter.com/khjeron or read the full story at http://thevisitors.jeron.org/
#thevisitors #paper #scifi #sculpture #interstellarcene #karlheinzjeron #art #chronicles #context #outerspace #beautiful #zak3 #hallucination #happy #total #art #artgram
#artgram #total #happy #hallucination #zak3 #beautiful #outerspace #context #Chronicles #art #karlheinzjeron #interstellarcene #sculpture #SciFi #paper #thevisitors
Elevation device
Don't miss the next episode of The Visitors:
https://tinyletter.com/khjeron or read the full story at http://thevisitors.jeron.org/
support The Visitors https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=GYKM2YST9929Y
#zak3 #thevisitors #paper #scifi #sculpture #interstellarcene #karlheinzjeron #art
#chronicles #context #outerspace #beautiful #hallucination #happy #total #art #artgram
#artgram #total #happy #hallucination #beautiful #outerspace #context #Chronicles #art #karlheinzjeron #interstellarcene #sculpture #SciFi #paper #thevisitors #zak3
A happy Zak3 in his new Cozy Coupe
Don't miss the next episode of The Visitors:
https://tinyletter.com/khjeron or read the full story at http://thevisitors.jeron.org/
support The Visitors https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=GYKM2YST9929Y
#zak3 #thevisitors #paper #scifi #sculpture #interstellarcene #karlheinzjeron #art
#chronicles #context #outerspace #beautiful #hallucination #happy #total #art #artgram
#artgram #total #happy #hallucination #beautiful #outerspace #context #Chronicles #art #karlheinzjeron #interstellarcene #sculpture #SciFi #paper #thevisitors #zak3