Midday in #Zakopane. The serene expanse of Czarny Staw (Black Pond) lays before the viewer. The water is crystal clear, revealing ducks gracefully gliding along the surface and fish darting beneath. Nestled at an altitude of 1,583 meters above sea level, this gem can be found in the Małopolska Province of #Poland, amidst the majestic backdrop of the Tatra #Mountains.
#zakopane #hiking #poland #tatras #mountains #exploring #nature #lake #landscape
Poland Zakopane August Summer ❤️ Walking Tour – City Center https://www.wacoca.com/tour/127988/
#4kzakopane #krupowki #krupówkistreetwalk #krupówkizakopane #poland #polandzakopane #streetsinzakopane #virtualtriptozakopane #virtualwalkaroundzakopane #walkaroundzakopane #zakopane #zakopane2023 #zakopane4k #zakopanechristmas #zakopanekrupówki #zakopanepoland #zakopanepolandsummer #zakopanepolonia #zakopanepolska #zakopanesierpien #zakopanesummer #zakopanewalkingtour #закопане #закопанепольша #豊富ツアー
#4kzakopane #krupowki #krupowkistreetwalk #krupowkizakopane #poland #polandzakopane #streetsinzakopane #virtualtriptozakopane #virtualwalkaroundzakopane #walkaroundzakopane #zakopane #zakopane2023 #zakopane4k #zakopanechristmas #zakopanekrupowki #zakopanepoland #zakopanepolandsummer #zakopanepolonia #zakopanepolska #zakopanesierpien #zakopanesummer #zakopanewalkingtour #закопане #закопанепольша #豊富ツアー
@sumfaralla and me in the High Tatras, after riding the Kasprowy Wierch. #poland #zakopane
❄ SKI CONDITIONS Zakopane, Poland : upper slopes 150cm. Temperature 6/16°C . Freezing level 2465m. https://skiweather.eu/go/zakopane/1372 #skiweather #zakopane
❄ SKI CONDITIONS Zakopane, Poland : upper slopes 191cm. Lifts open 4 of 4. Temperature 4/9°C . Freezing level 1573m. https://skiweather.eu/go/zakopane/1372 #skiweather #zakopane
🏙 Area: Zakopane, Poland
🏛️ Sight: Willa Witkiewiczówka
➡ Be inspired by these free sightseeing tours in Zakopane: https://visitsights.com/sightseeing-tours/Poland/Zakopane
❓ Do you like to take sightseeing tours that include outdoor activities?
#️⃣ #Building #Poland #Zakopane #Sightseeing #Historic #Travel #Heritage #Sights
© Credits: Wikimedia / Archeo16 / Public domain
#building #poland #zakopane #sightseeing #historic #travel #heritage #sights
❄ SKI CONDITIONS Zakopane, Poland : upper slopes 191cm. Lifts open 4 of 4. Temperature 2/7°C . Freezing level 1704m. https://skiweather.eu/go/zakopane/1372 #skiweather #zakopane
RT @wikimonuments
🇵🇱 At the 3rd place, we present to you the #Jaszczurówka of #Zakopane in winter. Here, Jakub captures a wintery night view of #Jaszczurówka.
#WLM2022 #wikipedia #WorldHeritageDay2023 #poland
#jaszczurowka #zakopane #wlm2022 #wikipedia #worldheritageday2023 #poland
#publicidad #illustration #medellin #suluboyaçalışması #tekne #göcek #marmaris #foça #fethiye #dalyan #izmir #iviira9 #kadınlaradaletistiyor #istanbulsözleşmesiyaşatır #turkiyekadinmezarlığınadöndü #my_dream_turkey #zamanidurdur #ig_turkey #hergun #turkinstagram #bir_dakika #insta_ankara #awardsturk #bendenbirkare #benimkadrajim #zakopane #japan #japanese
#publicidad #illustration #medellin #suluboyacalismasi #tekne #gocek #Marmaris #foca #Fethiye #dalyan #izmir #iviira9 #kadinlaradaletistiyor #istanbulsozlesmesiyasatir #turkiyekadinmezarliginadondu #my_dream_turkey #zamanidurdur #ig_turkey #hergun #turkinstagram #bir_dakika #insta_ankara #awardsturk #bendenbirkare #benimkadrajim #zakopane #japan #japanese
❄ SKI CONDITIONS Zakopane, Poland : upper slopes 195cm. Temperature 1/9°C . Freezing level 1507m. https://skiweather.eu/go/zakopane/1372 #skiweather #zakopane
❄ SKI CONDITIONS Zakopane, Poland : upper slopes 183cm. Temperature -6/-2°C . Freezing level 261m. https://skiweather.eu/go/zakopane/1372 #skiweather #zakopane
❄ SKI CONDITIONS Zakopane, Poland : upper slopes 180cm. Fresh snow 2cm. Lifts open 3 of 4. Temperature -10/3°C . Freezing level 430m. https://skiweather.eu/go/zakopane/1372 #skiweather #zakopane
Today's poem: not a poem.
Instead, this second movement from Gorecki's Symphony of Sorrowful Songs.
"O Mamo, nie płacz, nie. Niebios Przeczysta Królowo, Ty zawsze wspieraj mnie."
(Oh Mamma do not cry, no. Immaculate Queen of Heaven, always support me).
#gorecki #SymphonyOfSorrowfulSongs #gestapo #poland #zakopane #nazism #resistance #Youtube
#gorecki #symphonyofsorrowfulsongs #gestapo #poland #zakopane #nazism #resistance #youtube
#ImageDescription for post by @stephenfry:
A tour bus operated by #KrakVille Tours which depicts several of their destinations / tours, and the captions "and much more..." and "simply the best":
#Auschwitz & #Birkenau (accompanied by a photo of the dreadful "Arbeid Macht Frei" entrance sign), #Wieliczka Salt Mine (with a photo of the salt crystal chandeliers inside the mines, probably taken at the underground cathedral), #Schindler's Sites (accompanied by a black and white photo of Nazi soldiers), #Zakopane & #Tatra Mountains (with a photo of those mountains and the body of water in front of it), and their "KrakVille Tours" logo.
Dreadful marketing aside, I've visited both Auschwitz (& Birkenau) and the Wieliczka Salt Mine, and both were impressive in their own ways. The former in a "please, never again" kind of impression, while the latter has some really beautiful salt sculptures and entire chapels hewn out of the rocks. (Sadly the nazis also abused the mine for weapons manufacturing and forced labour by their many prisoners..)
#imagedescription #krakville #auschwitz #birkenau #Wieliczka #schindler #zakopane #tatra
This is some setup that they have here at #Nosal. Live race results! ⛷️ https://my.raceresult.com/234236/live #Zakopane #Skiing
To może być początek wielkiej kariery! Puchar Misia Stramusia w Zakopanem: https://lifeinkrakow.pl/w-wolnym-czasie/6060,to-moze-byc-poczatek-wielkiej-kariery-puchar-misia-stramusia-w-zakopanem #zakopane #narty #zima
Minister zapowiada zimowe Igrzyska w Polsce. "Jeśli Igrzyska Europejskie będą sukcesem": https://lifeinkrakow.pl/w-miescie/6045,minister-zapowiada-zimowe-igrzyska-w-polsce-jesli-igrzyska-europejskie-beda-sukcesem #kraków #zakopane #sport