The Guardian Legend Shrine
Part of the network of the similarly venerable, The Guardian Legend Shrine is nearly the ideal game shrine, a static site crammed full of screenshots, strategy tips, fan art and fiction, and generally just everything of interest to a fan of the NES game.
#niche #retro #alyssa #bluerandar #broderbund #compile #fanwork #guardianlegend #mooniitani #nes #niche #oldweb #randar #retro #shrine #zanac
#zanac #shrine #randar #oldweb #nes #mooniitani #guardianlegend #fanwork #compile #broderbund #bluerandar #alyssa #retro #niche
And now, a strange case of #retrogaming... in the #80s !!!
Exa Innova is an early Compile work made for Sony when they were just a freelancers.
The game has some early features they later used for #Zanac. This version is the #1988 re-release (yep, and they already called that RETROGAMING back then) found on Disc Station 15 magazine. This version had some improvements, but also a bug (now fixed) that prevented the game to be played on 8KB #MSX machines.