RT @jordanplosky
@van_jensen tell the people where to sign up for your @wearezoop project with @AllredMD @ronmarz @misscecil #zandercannon and many more to be announced!
Me & #ZanderCannon go IN DEPTH into how we drew Alan Moore's TOP 10! @SKTCHD did lonnnngg interviews w both of us. #AlanMoore #AmericasBestComics @dccomics
Wanna thank #ScottDunbier and @kristyq01 and #JimLee for making an impossible project possible, esp after aDC bought Wildstorm. https://sktchd.com/longform/top-10-retrospective/
#zandercannon #alanmoore #americasbestcomics #scottdunbier #JimLee