Leggiamoci un western old school va'.
#western #libri #books #ilrangerdeltexas #zanegrey
#western #libri #books #ilrangerdeltexas #zanegrey
Today is the birthday of noted #American western author #ZaneGrey who we #quote and back with a picture of a recent #sunrise here in #Fallbrook. If this #quotograph speaks to you please repost it.
#american #zanegrey #quote #sunrise #Fallbrook #quotograph
#Datreveno #ZaneGrey #Literaturo
Je ĉi dato en 1872 naskiĝis Zane Grey, aŭtoro, kies rakontoj formis la fondon de multaj mitoj pri la Usona Okcidento; kaj pli ol cent filmoj estas bazitaj sur ilia libroj. Li ankaŭ atentigis la publikon al la maljusteco kaj malfacilaĵoj, de kiuj la popolo Navaho suferis pro la faroj de nekomprenantaj misiistoj. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zane_Grey
Bildo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Zane_Grey,_a_silent_film_actor_and_author_of_westerns_(SAYRE_3131).jpg
#datreveno #zanegrey #literaturo
Watched an episode of Zane Grey Theatre with Joan Crawford on
TPTVEncore. Those old TV Western were great: a full story told in less than half an hour (including Maxwell House commercial breaks). That's efficient story telling.
#TalkingPicturesTV #TPTVEncore #ZaneGrey #JoanCrawford #ClassicTV
#TalkingPicturesTV #tptvencore #zanegrey #JoanCrawford #classictv
if anyone were reading this without knowing much of me, yes the film I identified is a #silentfilm, the actor is Richard Arlen, his leading belle is Mary Brian, and the Western silent film is "Under the Tonto Rim", based on a #ZaneGrey novel.