I've always loved zantedeschias (Cally Lily), ever since I first remember seeing one at a botanic garden outside Sydney.
I moved this one a year or two ago, and it hasn't flowered as well since. Hopefully it's settled in now and will do better next year...
#BloomScrolling #Gardening #Zantedeschia #Calla #FloweringFriday #Flowers #FlowersOfMastodon
#bloomscrolling #gardening #zantedeschia #calla #floweringfriday #flowers #FlowersOfMastodon
Zantedeschia bulbs delivered from UK seller BrighterBlooms bulbs recommend BrighterBlooms if your in the UK. Potted up today in 2litre pot will keep in the house rather than the zippy greenhouse just so it's a bit warmer overnight here in the UK it's a little chilly next few nights. #Zantedeschia #summerplants #gardeningmastodon
#gardeningmastodon #summerplants #zantedeschia
Here's Zantedschia 'Paris' for #FloweringFriday
(Vertical photo with #AltText)
#floweringfriday #alttext #flowers #FlowersOfMastodon #flower #zantedeschia
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#flores #flowers #stilllife #nature #zantedeschia #callalily #selfportait #fotografia #photography
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#flores #flowers #stilllife #nature #zantedeschia #callalily #selfportait #fotografia #photography