#20ZLN TORNA IN CHIAPAS: IL CROWDFUNDING PER SOSTENERE IL PROGETTO https://www.radiondadurto.org/2023/09/01/20zln-torna-in-chiapas-il-crowdfunding-per-sostenere-il-progetto/ #Internazionale #INTERNAZIONALI #progetto20zln #crowdfunding #ZAPATISMO #zapatista #Politica #Chapas #20ZLN
#20ZLN #internazionale #internazionali #progetto20zln #crowdfunding #zapatismo #zapatista #politica #chapas
For the last couple of days I dug into Zapatismo / EZLN. Is there any source that I should not miss?
Posledních pár dní dost čtu a poslouchám o Zapatismu / EZLN. Je nějaký zdroj, co by mne neměl minout?
An English translation of the #zapatisas latest statement has been made available.
#zapatisas #zapatismo #MutualAid
Zapatista Autonomy: A Destituent Experiment?
Jérôme Baschet surveys one of the most remarkable living utopias anywhere in the world today. From @IllWill
A crise humanitária no território yanomami tem se agravado desde os anos 1980 em decorrência dos conflitos por terra envolvendo povos tradicionais, garimpeiros, agronegócio e tráfico de drogas. Como entender as dinâmicas territoriais deste conflito? Falamos um pouco do histórico da luta pela terra no Brasil e as formas de solidariedade como contraponto ao conflito.
Quer saber mais? Vem com a gente! Procure Antinomia no seu agregador de podcast favorito!
#yanomami #garimpo #mineração #agronegocio #anarquismo #anarquia #kropotkin #apoiomutuo #zapatismo
#Yanomami #garimpo #Mineracao #agronegocio #anarquismo #Anarquia #kropotkin #apoiomutuo #zapatismo
Everything can change on a new year's day.
¡Viva el #Zapatismo! ¡Viva la revolución!
#introduction (redrafted with camel case)
I live in #Ireland, work in the HE sector, and post mainly about:
#Introduction #ireland #socialecology #municipalism #cooperatives #solidarityeconomy #PoliticalEcology #democraticconfederalism #libertariansocialism #Syndicalism #zapatismo #defendrojava #ClimateJustice #environmentaljustice #agroecology #sciencefiction #cycling
short text by the EZLN was addressed to Mexico's Anarchist movement during a period of growing hostility from some sectors of Mexican civil society. The text was read for us by two new volunteers
#anarchism #zapatismo #zapatistas
#zapatistas #zapatismo #anarchism
:black_sparkling_heart: #Introduction #Intro
TL:DR: I'm mostly posting this intro to connect with other Black and BIPOC Anarchists or Anti-authoritarians. Hit me up! :Fire_Panafrican:
Hey, everyone
My partner and I are currently working on a docuseries, @Elememts_of_MA, about the origins, structures, healing ways, and logistics of mutual aid-based organizing. The project isn't exclusively profiling anarchist groups, but it is deeply anti-authoritarian - we're especially staying away from charismatic leaders and celeb "activist" types.
The whole thing is independent - no producers; everything is out of pocket. We've been living out of a van we converted so we could make this happen; which has been amazing. We've been on the road since May Day this year, and have already filmed some solid interviews as far north as Montreal and as far south as Puerto Rico.
However, I'm personally struggling to find Black organizations or collectives that aren't MLM, AADOS, authoritarian, Black Capitalist, nonprofit style groups. Reading and theory groups or media collectives are rad, but I'm really looking for groups that're doing interesting work on the ground (*not food distro*) from an anti-state-nationalist analysis.
Lorenzo and JoNina Irvin will appear in the film, among other radical Black people like Jessica Gordon Nembhard, The Northeast Action Collective in Houston, and Arm the Girls in Oakland. So, I'm not at a complete loss.
But, please send me all the rad groups of Black people you know that are creating long-term, democratic, mutual aid projects in their communities. They do not need to identify as anarchist, but they *cannot* be down with the nation state and have to be doing more than food distro.
Thanks a ton, y'all.
Beyond all that, I'm also really interested in connecting with people to write Star Wars analysis and fan-fiction. I think the galaxy far, far away is an interesting canvas to explore the tensions of autonomous world building vs authoritarian revolutionary movements. If I lived in that universe, I'd no doubt be getting into arguments with the Rebel Alliance.
Thanks for reading this long-winded post.
#Black #BlackMastodon #BlackAnarchism #Anarchism #Anarchy #Antifa #Antifascism #Antiracism #Feminism #DisabilityJustice #BlackLiberation #IndigenousAnarchism #indigenousFedi #BlackFedi #blackfediverse #decolonize #decolonization #TransLiberationNow #transliberation #LGBTQ #queerliberation #QueerLiberationNow #StarWars #Andor #SciFi #Literature #creativewriting #creativewritingsocial #documentary #documentaryfeaturefilm #documentaryfilm #film #antiauthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #vanlife #anarkata #anticapitalism #antinationalism #AnarchismOfBlackness #AnarchistPeopleOfColor #APOC #democraticconfederalism #MutualAid #collectivism #Zapatismo #Farming #UrbanFarming #Gardening #FoodSovereignty #LandBack #internationalism #JinJiyanAzadi
#Introduction #intro #solidarity #black #BlackMastodon #blackanarchism #anarchism #anarchy #antifa #antifascism #antiracism #feminism #DisabilityJustice #BlackLiberation #IndigenousAnarchism #indigenousFedi #BlackFedi #blackfediverse #decolonize #decolonization #TransLiberationNow #transliberation #lgbtq #queerliberation #QueerLiberationNow #starwars #andor #scifi #Literature #creativewriting #creativewritingsocial #documentary #documentaryfeaturefilm #documentaryfilm #film #antiauthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #vanlife #Anarkata #anticapitalism #antinationalism #anarchismofblackness #anarchistpeopleofcolor #apoc #democraticconfederalism #MutualAid #collectivism #zapatismo #farming #UrbanFarming #gardening #foodsovereignty #landback #Internationalism #jinjiyanazadi
"La libertades como la mañana. Hay quienes esperan dormidos a que llegue, pero hay quienes desvelan y caminan la noche para alcanzarla." - Subcomandante Marcos - EZLN
#EZLN #Zapatismo #SubcomandanteMarcos
#ezln #zapatismo #subcomandantemarcos
Techo, tierra, trabajo, pan, salud independencia, democracia libertad. Esas fueron nuestras demandas durante la larga noche de los 500 años, estas son ahora nuestras exigencias. Sub Marcos :black_bloc_blob: #zapatismo
Zapatistas Versus the “Neoliberal War Against Humanity”
by Eve Ottenberg
"La política en la #democraciarepresentativa; Donde debía haber un compromiso y una convicción, hay un imagen maquillada por estrategias publicitarias, donde debía haber programas de acción hay negocios, donde debía haber crítica, hay complacencia y presa mental, donde debía haber ética, hay desvergüenza, donde debía haber principios hay finales." Sub Marcos #socialistsunday #zapatismo
#democraciarepresentativa #socialistsunday #zapatismo
Pordrán cambiar los habitos de consumo de una sociedad, las formas de traslado de una mercancia pero si no cambia la propiedad de los medios para producir, si no desaparece la explotación del trabajo, el #capitalismo seguirá vivo y actuante. Y aun así... no basta. Sub Marcos #zapatismo
Acabo de publicar mi primer video en #fediversetv Es un video de hace 8 años, donde el ex-guerrillero Jacobo Silva Nogales habla de experiencias de lucha comunitaria, la Comuna de París, la autogestión durante la revolución española, y la experiencia makhnovista. Me parece interesante porque Silva viene del maoísmo, y es interesante ver que se abre a otras perspectivas.
#anarquismo #zapatismo Realizado en #Debian Jessie y #KDEnlive y #Blender
#FediverseTV #anarquismo #zapatismo #debian #kdenlive #blender
✊ | Without economic resources and with limited materials, the little community school in the Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca is advancing, a project inspired by the Zapatista autonomous schools.
🎬: https://youtu.be/9sd3kYOCaWQ
📖: https://avispa.org/?p=88102
#México #Oaxaca #School #TheOtherEducation #Mazatec #EZLN #IndigenousPeople #CNI #NativePeople #Zapatista #Solidarity #Indigenous #LATAM #LibertarianPedagogy #AutonomousPedagogy #Zapatismo
#mexico #oaxaca #school #theothereducation #mazatec #ezln #indigenouspeople #cni #nativepeople #zapatista #solidarity #indigenous #latam #libertarianpedagogy #autonomouspedagogy #zapatismo
#landback #acab #indigenous #history #mountains #anticapitalismo #zapatismo #poly #Magonism #journalism #Abolition #Autonomy #dogs #anarchism #colombia #mexico #greece #spain #permaculture #punk #dentalHygiene #mentalhealth #ubuntu #Minga #ice #directaction #sleep #indie #time #philosophy #Revolution #graffiti #antifa #turkey #endciv #StopCopCity #queer #lima #lemons #post #Communalism #vanlife #international #books #psychedelic #poetry #poesia #food #anxiety #Art #bus #fire #sociology #palestine #Rojava #chiapas #generalstrike #coffee #Trashart #trash
#landback #acab #indigenous #history #mountains #anticapitalismo #zapatismo #poly #Magonism #journalism #Abolition #Autonomy #dogs #anarchism #colombia #mexico #greece #spain #permaculture #punk #dentalHygiene #mentalhealth #ubuntu #Minga #ice #directaction #sleep #indie #time #philosophy #Revolution #graffiti #antifa #turkey #endciv #StopCopCity #queer #lima #lemons #post #Communalism #vanlife #international #books #psychedelic #poetry #poesia #food #anxiety #Art #bus #fire #sociology #palestine #Rojava #chiapas #generalstrike #coffee #Trashart #trash
I live in #Ireland and work in the HE sector. My interests include:
#Introduction #ireland #socialecology #municipalism #cooperatives #solidarityeconomy #PoliticalEcology #Syndicalism #zapatismo #ClimateJustice #environmentaljustice #agroecology #DIY #ceol #beoir #sciencefiction #cycling #foss #irishtwitter