MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
805 followers · 21960 posts · Server
Nando161 · @nando161
908 followers · 39059 posts · Server

"Face the . We are tied to our devices in ways that are incredibly useful for organizing, but that also expose us to isolation should the state and companies take away these technologies. Cell and the rely on corporate infrastructure and is subject to both and service denial. What do we do when social media bans and ? What do we do when our cell phones fully become monitoring devices we willingly keep by our side, all to the benefit of state intelligence services? What happens when our cell phone numbers are blocked from service? How will the continue to locally, regionally, and internationally?

These are the questions that have been left in the dust, forgotten or ignored in favor of more romantic visions of armed struggle. forget; no struggle has ever been successful without robust communication networks that are not subject to state control. From the French in WWII to the in the Lacandon Jungle, communications matter!

Here, we will propose ways that you can start building this infrastructure, TODAY. As we slip further into the future, we must build, lest we be left defenseless and disconnected from each other."

#facts #phones #internet #government #surveillance #anticapitalists #anticolonialists #revolutionaries #communicate #people #resistance #zapatistas #Fascist

Last updated 1 year ago

Abolition Media · @amwenglish
6898 followers · 1314 posts · Server
schmedo · @schmedo
22 followers · 104 posts · Server
lädt ein zu einer Solidaritäts- und Kunstinitiative (leider auf Spanisch).

#PorLaPaz #AltoALaGuerra #ezln #zapatistas #solidaritat #arte

Last updated 1 year ago

Velocity22 🏴‍☠️ · @Velocity2222
1323 followers · 8236 posts · Server
MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
799 followers · 21722 posts · Server
Herr Günni · @HerrGuenni
272 followers · 2340 posts · Server
schmedo · @schmedo
21 followers · 91 posts · Server
Earthling of the Rhine · @amikigu
260 followers · 446 posts · Server

Since moving to and seeing everything has done to reduce poverty, promote the independence of México and Latin America from US hegemony, and equalize infrastructure access across the country, I have become increasingly skeptical of the , or at least of Subcomandante Marcos and the many NGOs and activist groups who trumpet anti-AMLO sentiment while saying ALMOST NOOOTHHIIINNNGGG about US foreign policy (and their hand in the drug cartels), or Canadian mining companies, or European banks, or fucking Coca Cola, the latter of which is singlehandedly responsible for giving millions of Méxicans an early death.

I'm not here to say AMLO is a saint either; his COVID response was, compared to the task at hand, almost nonexistent, his environmental programs are lacking, and he's still too closely aligned with US foreign policy for my liking. At the same time, the situation is insanely complicated. There are millions of Méxicans living north of the border, and hundreds of thousands of USians living south of it; doing something "activist" and dramatic like kicking US corporations out while seizing rich foreigners' land, while it might feel good in any anti-imperialist's heart, including mine, for like two seconds, would be absolutely chaotic for the economies and people of both countries. Trade between the two is very high, as are remittances from the US to México (the highest ever currently). If AMLO had pulled a China and locked the country down during COVID, millions of Méxicans would have been immediately cast into grinding poverty, since decades of US-friendly neoliberal governments have ensured that social safety nets have been torn to shreds, and there's no way AMLO could have pulled together the funds to develop new programs while Western foreign investors pulled out to protest the fact that they couldn't vacation in Cancun. I am learning to appreciate the slow, insidious way AMLO and his team have gone about building alliances with non-Western countries, and have implemented social programs (that fly completely under the radar of Western media) that benefit millions of the poorest Méxicans, while still allowing the richest to continue doing what they're doing. The slow, relentless improvement of the poorest people over time means that, as they gain economic clout, their voice will carry more and more weight at the local and state level, where average people have the most direct power to change things. At this rate, they will eventually have enough clout to counter the whims of the wealthy without the dramatic and very risky maneuvers of full-on revolution that lead to even greater foreign intervention and oppression more often than they lead to freedom (at least as long as the US has military bases, spy infrastructure, embassies, consulates, and desperate, hired goons the world over).

All this to say, the anti-AMLO sentiment is absolutely out of proportion to anything the current administration is doing in Zapatista territory, and plays into US foreign policy goals because it makes the first quasi-socialist government in decades look like a villain while letting Western imperialist nations and corporations off the hook. It allows young, idealistic USian and European activists to avoid facing their own complicity in the plight of the indigenous peoples of México; by merely paying taxes and buying from corporations in their own countries, they're collectively doing more harm to Zapatistas than AMLO could ever dream of doing (as if he clownishly spends his days plotting how to destroy the Zapatistas).

It's hard to hear, but speaking as a Westerner, the biggest threat to rural, indigenous Méxicans is us, not the Méxican government. We have to be the ones to face our own government and our own dependence on it and our own participation in it, instead of living vicariously through a foreign rebel group whose mouthpiece is suspiciously aligned with US foreign policy goals and with the countless NGOs and universities that serve to couch US imperialism in a veneer of human rights and environmental protection. We have to acknowledge that indigenous people don't have a single vision for their future any more than white people or Black people do; I rent from a Mayan landlord who doesn't speak Maya but knows English and Spanish, whose son wants to be a corporate actuary when he grows up, who has successful businesses in a big city, who is skeptical of traditional Mayan healers. Not every Maya person wants to struggle on a farm in the hills; AMLO knows that, and is not only making it possible for Mayans to become astronauts or chemists or engineers, but also to live on that farm in the hills without struggling. And he's doing it in a way you or I weren't trained to comprehend or respect, because it doesn't involve armed conflict, or winners, or losers, and it won't happen tomorrow, and it won't make the news, and it won't center our Western ideas about how the world works. And it won't be enough, because to expect one 6 year term to undo centuries of historical and continuing imperialism is beyond insane, one of many insanities I was taught to believe as a Western activist/voter/citizen/consumer. I'm not pretending I'm not still a bit insane, but I can at least see how much more complicated the situation is than if I'd stayed in the US.

#mexico #amlo #zapatistas

Last updated 1 year ago

Escargot 🐌 · @Esacrgot
213 followers · 467 posts · Server

"Allez, allez, allez,
Pour que nous sortions du combat à venir
Parce que notre pays crie et a besoin
De tous les efforts des zapatistes"

"Vamos, vamos, vamos adelante,
Para que salgamos de la lucha avante
Porque nuestra patria grita y necesita
De todo el esfuerzo de los zapatista" 👊🏽❤️🖤.

#zapatistas #CaracolesZapatistas

Last updated 1 year ago

schmedo · @schmedo
21 followers · 91 posts · Server

@lumaltik fahren den „Weg der Solidarität“ nach Santiago de Compostela und fordern ein Ende des Krieges gegen die zapatistischen Gemeinden. 💪

#noestansolxs #zapatistas #PorLaPaz #altoalaguerracontralospuebloszapatistas

Last updated 1 year ago

stopactinglikeadults · @parantatatam
298 followers · 2210 posts · Server

Hast Du Dir mal angeschaut, was die Zapatistas machen?


Last updated 1 year ago

Darth Buddha · @haschrebellen
230 followers · 2168 posts · Server


Last updated 1 year ago

schmedo · @schmedo
20 followers · 85 posts · Server
Davva · @davva23
58 followers · 1052 posts · Server
Paxton Orglot · @PaxtonOrglot
120 followers · 268 posts · Server

Comunicado del Consejo Indígena y Popular de Guerrero- Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ) en solidaridad con el EZLN y las comunidades de Chiapas

#chiapas #ezln #zapatistas #mexico #cipogez

Last updated 1 year ago

Chiapas98 · @chiapas98
27 followers · 231 posts · Server

Neue Angriffe auf Zapatistas - Eilaktion und Briefe an Botschaft

#zapatistas #angriffe #chiapas98

Last updated 1 year ago

Scott Campbell · @susurros
439 followers · 838 posts · Server

With paramilitary attacks against displaced peoples and Zapatista communities on the rise, as well as organized crime seizing control of parts of the Chiapas-Guatemala border, AMLO says that all is well in Chiapas.

Meanwhile, yesterday an armed group blocked a highway and kidnapped 14 administrative workers from the Chiapas State Civil Security and Protection Ministry.

#mexico #chiapas #zapatistas #ezln

Last updated 1 year ago

Jacobo Da Riva · @jdrm
133 followers · 482 posts · Server
Rede de Contra Informação · @rcinfo
16 followers · 31 posts · Server

Chiapas: A violência que os de cima pretendem ocultar

24 junho, 2023 - Congresso Nacional Indigena

No dia 8 de junho, organizações do México e de todo o mundo mobilizaram-se em 72 lugares diferentes do mundo para denunciar os ataques do grupo paramilitar ORCAO, a 22 de maio, contra as comunidades da base de apoio zapatista. Neste ataque, que durou cinco

#internacional #chiapas #ezln #zapatistas

Last updated 1 year ago