Today is 22 August.
It was on a 22 August when the story of #ZaphAndGroupiesSurrealLife first began.
So glad we found each other 💕
#zaphlovesgroupie #zaphandgroupiessurreallife
The cam girls have discovered me, so have changed my settings to only get notifications from people I follow or who follow me.
For others, I get to see this woman with nothing on whenever I want so there’s no chance I’ll be paying to see you 😛
Some sort of dating site has shown up as a promoted tweet in my timeline. Oh dear, maybe I should post pictures of me and Groupie more often!!
Do either of these two look like they’re not in a happy, settled relationship with each other to you?
Have had a very lovely evening just sharing coffee with Groupie and laughing at the absurdity of modern life.
Sometimes things can get tough, but I’m confident we’ll get through anything as long as we have each other.
From the #ZaphLovesGroupie playlist.
#keepingit70s #nowplaying #zaphlovesgroupie