Spontan noch mal rein gehört. Ist ganz ok gealtert. Immer noch das beste Programm von Michi.
#zapped #mittermeier #standup #comedy
As much as I really enjoyed having a day out, I have to admit it’s #drained me. I’m smiling about it but I’m #emotionally and #physically #zapped. Might need to build up #endurance for this sort of thing. #ActuallyAutistic #butnout
#drained #emotionally #physically #zapped #endurance #actuallyautistic #butnout
In all of the #therapy I have had in the last 55 years, nothing has even touched the problem. Now, at #age70 #realisation is kicking in. I am literally in #physicalshock tonight. Feel like I’ve been #zapped with #240volts. I didn’t realise how physically sick change could make me, but there it is. And there is #hope. Not the shit the #godbotherers push, but real hope. Fark.
#therapy #age70 #realisation #physicalshock #zapped #240volts #hope #godbotherers
Damn, these allergies and low pressure got me all bugaboo. #Zapped #WhereMyKombucha