Zum verzögerungsfreien #Zapping nochmal (https://social.tchncs.de/@kurth/110968298064912725)
… Ich musste es zumindest mal testen: Thinkpad X61 mit iC2D T7300 auf 800Mhz gecapped.
14 Radiostreams mit MPV.
Last ~40% pro Kern (2@800mhz).
2.3Mbit/s down; 450kbit/s up
So ließe sich ohne Buffering zappen. Mach' ich aber nicht. Ist zwar nicht viel, trotzdem ressourcenverschwendung.
Ich vermisse #Zapping so sehr. Zapp… Zapp… Zappzappzapp (2 Sender die meistens langweilig sind) … Zapp. Alternativ Radiokurbeln und genau wissen wo die Sender auf der Skala sind.
Geht leider nicht mehr, schöne neue digitale gebufferte Welt.
Ich überlege echt meine ~10 Lieblingsradiostationen dauerthaft parallel zu streamen und dann mit Jack gescriptet einfach die Quellen umzuschaltbar zu machen. ZappZappZapp. Bei ~160kbit/s/S macht das nicht mal 2Mbit auf der Leitung. Macht man nich, ich wees
Le Vu du jour :
A consommer avec modération !
VU du 23/06/23 : "Comment osez-vous ?" :
#Zapping #Television
VU du 26/04/23 - Mayotte : "Il faut peut-être en tuer" :
#Television #Zapping
Okay, for all the tourists wanting to see the wider #Lisbon area in #Portugal (#Lisboa #AML), the new bus network by #CarrisMetropolitana is now also active on #GoogleMaps, so you won't live with the illusion anymore that there is no way to get to those places. Also, the credit on your metro tickets (#Zapping) is valid on these buses (most lines you will plausibly take, the red ones, cost 1.55€ with Zapping, the blue ones are cheaper and the yellow ones are more expensive).
#lisbon #portugal #lisboa #aml #carrismetropolitana #googlemaps #zapping
Abbiamo selezionato in modo indipendente queste offerte e prodotti perché li amiamo e pensiamo che potrebbero piacerti a questi prezzi. E! ha rapporti di affiliazione, quindi potremmo ricevere una commissione se acquisti qualcosa tramite i nostri link. Gli articoli sono venduti dal rivenditore, non ...
#29Gennaio #shopping #januarys #zapping
#zapping #januarys #shopping #29gennaio
Une certaine culture des Internets que j'aime, un zapping Youtube 2022
#Youtube #zapping #2022
Trans, zápping ou alfarroba ... Queres coñecer as 400 novas entradas do Dicionario da RAG?
Idadismo, idadista, cis, trans, deporte electrónico, aeroxerador ou antropoceno xa forman parte do Dicionario da Real Academia Galega . Este dicionario rematou o ano 2022 con case 35 millóns de consultas e a incorporación de preto de 400 cambios entre novas entradas, novas acepcións en lemas xa rexistrados e...
#rag #dicionario #Palabras #trans #zapping #alfarroba
@sustainrelease Yeah, it's all just Carris Metropolitana now, both north and south of the river. Exceptions are #MobiCascais in #Cascais, #TCB in #Barreiro and #Carris in #Lisbon itself, everything else is now just Carris Metropolitana. #GoogleMaps didn't update yet but you can find all new lines in the #Moovit and #CityMapper apps. Many of the old scattered companies didn't show up in basically any planning app, so even though many lines are basically the same as the old ones, they are WAY more accessible now. Also they all use exactly the same simple pricing system, so you know that #Zapping will work on all of them for occasional trips and the #Navegante pass (o #Passe) works no issue too. They replaced ALL buses, it's a completely new fleet, so no worn out vehicles any more either!
#mobicascais #cascais #tcb #barreiro #carris #lisbon #googlemaps #moovit #citymapper #zapping #navegante #passe
El programa “Yo Soy” en realidad debió llamarse “Y a usted, ¿quien le dijo que viniera?” #zapping
Découvrez sans attendre le 55ème #zapping des émissions de @lemediatv , comme chaque lundi à #midipile. Quatre minutes indispensables en ce jour férié, à déguster jusqu'à la fin 😁
Le 48e numéro du #zapping des émissions de @lemediatv est en ligne.
Vos 4 minutes indispensables de la semaine !
Précipitez-vous pour le visionner & le partager sans modération😃
➡️ https://youtu.be/ouXd4h_q8cc