JP :solus: :budgie: :fedora: · @jppelt
114 followers · 36 posts · Server

I don't know - it seems that over the last few years, enough hardware vendors such as , , , and others have been a game changer for linux distros.

I mean, their machines run flawlessly on linux and you just don't encounter the 100 paper cuts of yore. Is it just me?

I love my and - looking forward to a laptop when it is time to upgrade my old, now defunct, one.

#System76 #starlabs #tuxedo #pine #thelio #launch #zareason #Linux #linuxhardware #RightToRepair #privacyMatters #FOSS

Last updated 1 year ago

Linux ✅ · @Linux
3975 followers · 2826 posts · Server

LINUX laptop for GAMING out-of-the-box you fancy?

Enter ZaReason / their Verix 8750.

A Linux specific gaming machine with 100% compatible hardware. No additional costs for licensing, no wiping out Windows 10. Just straight out Linux gaming lappy with lots of Linux distributions to choose from.

Optional hardware options for RAM and SSD sizes etc.

Michigan, USA.

Email ZaReason: support[at]


#zareason #linuxlaptop #linuxgaming #verix #gaminglaptops

Last updated 6 years ago