Letras Prestadas · @LetrasPrestadas
19 followers · 283 posts · Server masto.es

La fiesta en la calle 💃🏻🕺🎉🎊 buff.ly/2njYgDI Cómo han cambiado las fiestas populares con el paso del tiempo con una poesía desenfadada y el coro de Ronda de enamorados de La del Soto del Parral. Felices fiestas a quienes las celebren.

#gongora #zarzuela #15agosto

Last updated 1 year ago

Letras Prestadas · @LetrasPrestadas
19 followers · 268 posts · Server masto.es

La fiesta en la calle 💃🏻🕺🎉🎊 letrasprestadas-clubpickwick.b Cómo han cambiado las fiestas populares con el paso del tiempo con una poesía desenfadada y el coro de Ronda de enamorados de La del Soto del Parral. Felices fiestas a quienes las celebren

#gongora #zarzuela

Last updated 1 year ago

Letras Prestadas · @LetrasPrestadas
17 followers · 257 posts · Server masto.es

La fiesta en la calle 💃🏻🕺🎉🎊 letrasprestadas-clubpickwick.b Cómo han cambiado las fiestas populares con el paso del tiempo con una poesía desenfadada y el coro de Ronda de enamorados de La del Soto del Parral. a quienes las celebren

#gongora #zarzuela #felicesfiestas

Last updated 1 year ago

Strike the Right Note · @striketherightnote
82 followers · 4886 posts · Server home.social

RT @CamerataASoler
Medea y Jasón hoy en el @fest_brunetti

#zarzuela #opera

Last updated 2 years ago

· @bluebirdblackforest
5 followers · 42 posts · Server imastodon.org

Have you ever heard of the or the ? It seems that the sainete is a small one-act form from that eventually developed into the zarzuela in . I've linked Wikipedia articles for both terms below, as well as an example of this form, "Maria La O" by the legendary Cuban composer .




#zarzuela #sainete #opera #spain #cuba #ernestolecuona #musictheory #MusicHistory #cubancomposers

Last updated 2 years ago

Delpeu :verified: · @elnoudelpeu
183 followers · 1475 posts · Server mastodont.cat

Baralla amb navalles a la porta de la disco? Estimbes el cotxe a altes hores de la matinada?
No pateixis: telèfon vermell i t'envíem els goril·les pagats amb calé públic perquè puguis continuar la festa.

👉El sobrino de Felipe VI no dispone de un equipo de seguridad propio, pero puede contactar con el "órgano de coordinación" del que disponen e Interior ante cualquier conflicto


#zarzuela #froilan #felipvi

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesús Nieto · @Solenflandes
81 followers · 646 posts · Server mastodon.social

What a nice surprise this German zarzuela performance at Saarland (near Luxembourg).
FULL OF ENERGY. Perfect to cheer up in this winter weather. ¡Olé! youtube.com/watch?v=ex13l6KzJ2

#music #zarzuela #germany #saarland

Last updated 2 years ago

Elizabeth B. Davis · @marineraentierra
118 followers · 152 posts · Server hcommons.social

It is with a heavy heart that I make public the passing of my colleague (Emeritus Faculty at The Ohio State University), a recognized specialist in the of . During recent days, he contracted flu and pneumonia. Last week he was taken to the ER at a hospital in Cincinnati. Despite ongoing treatments to help him breathe, our dear colleague slipped away Tuesday night, December 6, 2022. I choose to remember Don the way we knew him in Columbus, as an upstanding colleague and one of the truly good human beings it's been my honor to know. He was the author of The Honor Plays of Lope de Vega (Harvard University Press) and a long list of articles on the and on the . He was also an excellent translator of Spanish plays.

#DonaldRLarson #theater #earlymodernSpain #comedia #zarzuela

Last updated 2 years ago

Elizabeth B. Davis · @marineraentierra
116 followers · 136 posts · Server hcommons.social

It is with a heavy heart that I make public the passing of my colleague (Emeritus Faculty at The Ohio State University), a recognized specialist in the of . During recent days, he contracted flu and pneumonia. Last week he was taken to the ER at a hospital in Cincinnati. Despite ongoing treatments to help him breathe, our dear colleague slipped away Tuesday night. I choose to remember Don the way we knew him in Columbus, as an upstanding colleague and one of the truly good human beings it's been my honor to know. He was the author of The Honor Plays of Lope de Vega (Harvard University Press) and a long list of articles on the and on the . He was also an excellent translator of Spanish plays.

#DonaldRLarson #theater #earlymodernSpain #comedia #zarzuela

Last updated 2 years ago

Elizabeth B. Davis · @marineraentierra
115 followers · 136 posts · Server hcommons.social

It is with a heavy heart that I make public the passing of my colleague (Emeritus Faculty at The Ohio State University), a recognized specialist in the of . During recent days, he contracted flu and pneumonia. Last week he was taken to the ER at a hospital in Cincinnati. Despite ongoing treatments to help him breathe, our dear colleague slipped away last night. I choose to remember Don the way we knew him in Columbus, as an upstanding colleague and one of the truly good human beings it's been my honor to know. He was the author of The Honor Plays of Lope de Vega (HarvardUniversityPress) and a long list of articles on the and on the . He was also an excellent translator of Spanish plays.

#DonaldRLarson #theater #earlymodernSpain #comedia #zarzuela

Last updated 2 years ago

Elizabeth B. Davis · @marineraentierra
115 followers · 136 posts · Server hcommons.social

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of my colleague (Emeritus Faculty at The Ohio State University), a recognized specialist in the of . During recent days, he contracted flu and pneumonia. Last week he was taken to the ER at a hospital in Cincinnati. His physician told the closest caregivers that she didn't think Don had the reserves to fight off the pneumonia, and this proved to be the case. Despite ongoing treatments to help him breathe, our dear colleague slipped away last night, just as plans were being made to transfer him to hospice care. I choose to remember Don the way we knew him in Columbus, as an upstanding colleague and one of the truly good human beings it's been my honor to know. He was the author of () and a long list of articles on the and on the . He was also an excellent translator of Spanish plays. May he rest in peace and glory.

#DonaldRLarson #theater #earlymodernSpain #TheHonorPlaysofLopedeVega #HarvardUniversityPress #comedia #zarzuela

Last updated 2 years ago

Elizabeth B. Davis · @marineraentierra
115 followers · 136 posts · Server hcommons.social

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of my colleague (Emeritus Faculty at The Ohio State University), a recognized specialist in the of . During recent days, he contracted flu and pneumonia. Last week he was taken to the ER at a hospital in Cincinnati. His physician told the closest caregivers that she didn't think Don had the reserves to fight off the pneumonia, and this proved to be the case. Despite ongoing treatments to help him breathe, our dear colleague slipped away last night, just as plans were being made to transfer him to hospice care. I choose to remember Don the way we knew him in Columbus, as an upstanding colleague and one of the truly good human beings it's been my honor to know. He was the author of () and a long list of articles on the and on the . He was also an excellent translator of Spanish plays. May he rest in peace and glory.

#DonaldLarson #theater #earlymodernSpain #TheHonorPlaysofLopedeVega #HarvardUniversityPress #comedia #zarzuela

Last updated 2 years ago

Elizabeth B. Davis · @marineraentierra
115 followers · 136 posts · Server hcommons.social

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of my colleague (Emeritus Faculty at The Ohio State University), a recognized specialist in the of . During recent days, he contracted flu and pneumonia. Last week he was taken to the ER at a hospital in Cincinnati. His physician told the closest caregivers that she didn't think Don had the reserves to fight off the pneumonia, and this proved to be the case. Despite ongoing treatments to help him breathe, our dear colleague slipped away last night, just as plans were being made to transfer him to hospice care. I choose to remember Don the way we knew him in Columbus, as an upstanding colleague and one of the truly good human beings it's been my honor to know. He was the author of () and a long list of articles on the and on the . He was also an excellent translator of Spanish plays. May he rest in peace and glory.

#DonaldLarson #theater #earlymodernSpain #TheHonorPlaysofLopedeVega #HarvardUniversityPress #comedia #zarzuela

Last updated 2 years ago

Elizabeth B. Davis · @marineraentierra
115 followers · 136 posts · Server hcommons.social

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of my colleague (Emeritus Faculty at The Ohio State University), a recognized specialist in the of . During recent days, he contracted flu and pneumonia. Last week he was taken to the ER at a hospital in Cincinnati. His physician told the closest caregivers that she didn't think Don had the reserves left to fight off the pneumonia, and this proved to be the case. Despite ongoing treatments to help him breathe, our dear colleague slipped away last night, just as plans were being made to transfer him to hospice care. I choose to remember Don the way we knew him in Columbus, as an upstanding colleague and one of the truly good human beings it's been my honor to know. He was the author of ( University Press) and a long list of articles on the and on the . He was also an excellent translator of Spanish plays. May he rest in peace and glory.

#DonaldLarson #theater #earlymodernSpain #TheHonorPlaysofLopedeVega #harvard #comedia #zarzuela

Last updated 2 years ago

· @31brinfmec
69 followers · 2984 posts · Server mastodon.social

Perdro Elías Gutiérrez Hart.
Creador de la mu6sica de la Zarzuela "Alma Llanera".

#14Mars2021 #PescadoresDeLaPatria #almallanerard #zarzuela #música #himno

Last updated 4 years ago

· @31brinfmec
69 followers · 2984 posts · Server mastodon.social

Es una tradición en Venezuela poner fin a cualquier reunión social o fiesta con la entonación de «Alma llanera». La canción nació dentro de un espectáculo homónimo de zarzuela, estrenada el 19 de septiembre de 1914 en el Teatro Caracas, bajo el nombre Zarzuela en un acto por la compañía española de Matilde Rueda.

#19septiembre #EjercitoBolivarianoBicentenario #alma #PuebloAlertaPorLaPaz #AlmaLlanera #zarzuela

Last updated 4 years ago

· @31brinfmec
69 followers · 2984 posts · Server mastodon.social

«Alma llanera» es un joropo compuesto por Rafael Bolívar Coronado. La música es composición original del maestro Pedro Elías Gutiérrez, inspirado en el joropo «Marisela» de Sebastián Díaz Peña (primera parte de «Alma llanera»), y en el vals «Mita» del compositor Jan Gerard Palm (1831-1906) de Curazao (segunda parte). «Alma llanera» está considerada como un himno nacional oficioso de Venezuela.

#alma #19septiembre #PuebloAlertaPorLaPaz #EjercitoBolivarianoBicentenario #AlmaLlanera #zarzuela

Last updated 4 years ago