RT @dw_espanol
El medicamento #Zavzpret demostró efectos positivos para aliviar el dolor de migraña a veces en lapsos rápidos de unos 15 minutos. #Pfizer señala que espera comercializar el aerosol en farmacias en julio de este año. /ee https://p.dw.com/p/4Obaa
New nasal spray migraine medication —Zavegepant — coming out this summer.
“The Food and Drug Administration has approved a Pfizer nasal spray for treatment of #migraine that uses a different therapy from other nasal products on the market for severe headache pain, the company said on Friday.”
FDA approves new #nasal spray to treat #migraine #headaches in adults
📌 The nasal spray #zavegepant, sold as #Zavzpret, may relieve pain and other bothersome migraine symptoms as soon as 15 minutes after use, drugmaker Pfizer said in a news release. The drug is expected to be available in pharmacies in July 2023
📌 Zavzpret works by blocking the calcitonin gene-related peptide, CGRP, a protein that is released in the brain that contributes to inflammation
#nasal #migraine #headaches #zavegepant #zavzpret