#Replicability #Zcurve #FrontiersInPsychology
This is my first write-up of a journal analysis of a psychology journal.
How much have research practices in psychology changed?
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#replicability #zcurve #frontiersinpsychology
@siminevazire posted
my two cent. There is no point in fixing a totaled car. Just burn it all and start new.
Also, p-curve is not a bias test. #Zcurve.2.0 is.
#Iguana #Zcurve #PublicationBias #SocialPsychology #Phacking #CFA #LatentVariables #ESM #Psychology #MetaScience #Personality #Statistics
#iguana #zcurve #publicationbias #socialpsychology #phacking #cfa #latentvariables #ESM #psychology #MetaScience #personality #statistics