#zeal : eagerness in favor of a person or cause
- German: der Eifer
- Italian: zelo
- Portuguese: zelo
- Spanish: celo
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
my current life-saving tool:
#Zeal - an open-source #documentation browser that allows you to view documentation offline (store locally).
• inspired by Dash, an offline doc browser for macOS
• supports docsets for many programming languages like Python, JavaScript, C++, etc.
• simple and intuitive UI with syntax highlighting and search functionalities
• available for Linux and Windows (Dash is recommended for macOS)
I have little #zeal to goto #birdapp evermore
If it weren't for #pixiv & #NintendoSwitch #twitter #linkage , I'd prolly delete it alltogether
#stuffalcea #zeal #birdapp #pixiv #nintendoswitch #twitter #linkage
Schau an, das #Zeal-Projekt hat unlängst ein kompaktes Dateisystem für 8-bit-Systeme veröffentlicht (deren Fokus liegt natürlich auf dem #Z80):
#ZealFS Läuft auch unter GNU/#Linux, mittels #fuse. Dem ersten Blick nach zu urteilen lässt sich das problemlos auch auf den üblichen kleinen 8-bit #MCUs verwenden.
#zeal #z80 #zealfs #fuse #mcus
Entry Level Marketing Assistant #Zeal, TN
#Nashville, TN
Zeal is looking for someone to join its growing Marketing team, which helps us run campaigns for our p...
read more: t.me/hiresocial (#4580)
#usa #InfluencerJob #HiringNow
#zeal #nashville #usa #influencerjob #hiringnow
#zeal : eagerness in favor of a person or cause
- German: der Eifer
- Italian: zelo
- Portuguese: zelo
- Spanish: celo
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
Me encanta esta canción, bastante"obsesionado" con ella. No es para todos los gustos ni mucho menos #zeal&ardor #götterdämmerung https://youtu.be/DyD6fcCzEZk
A quotation from Swift, Jonathan:
Violent zeal for truth has a hundred to one odds to be either petulancy, ambition, or pride.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #ambition #anger #ego #extremism #opinion #pride #truth #violence #zeal #zealotry
#quote #quotes #quotation #ambition #anger #ego #extremism #opinion #pride #truth #violence #zeal #zealotry
So, ich bastel mal am kleinen Listenrückblick 2022 für 1) Musik, Stand 01.01.23:
TOP 5 Alben:
5. #Husten - Aus allen Nähten
4. #Zeal&Ardor - s.t
3. #DieNerven - Europa
2. #RoloTomassi - Where Myth becomes Memory
1. #TheSmile - A Light for Attracting Attention
TOP 5 Songs:
5. #Muse - You make me feel like it's Halloween
4. #TheFlatliners - Performative Hours
3. #BillyTalent feat. Rivers Cuomo - The End of Me
2. #RoloTomassi - Drip
1. #Polyphia - Playing God
#husten #zeal #DieNerven #RoloTomassi #TheSmile #muse #theflatliners #BillyTalent #Polyphia #bestof2022 #lists
[Calendrier de l'avent musical]
2 Décembre | 24ème place :
"Zeal & Ardor" - Zeal & Ardor
Pour l'écouter : https://zealandardor.bandcamp.com/album/zeal-ardor-3
#CalendrierDeLAvent |#Musique
#Album | #Zeal&Ardor
#calendrierdelavent #musique #album #zeal #zealandardor
You’re on Linux, you say? You want to browse offline documentation, you say?
#dev #documentation #docs #linux #zeal
اگر برنامهنویس هستید و دنبال مستندات برونخط میگردید حتما نگاهی به #zeal بندازید. زیل، یک #نرمافزار_آزاد چندسکوییه که مستندات بیش از ۲۰۰ زبان / چهارچوب برنامهنویسی رو در خودش جای داده.
Have you ever wished to have an offline documentation of a programing language or framework? Take a look at #zeal.
Zeal is an offline cross platform documentation browser with 200+ docsets!
Also, it is a #FreeSoftware.
#opensource #freesoftware #zeal
Yep, that's a #corne #crkbd with a casing from #LittleKeyboard, #Zeal #AquaZilent lubed by your truly and some random keycaps from #Drop.
I've had an #iris but it's too thick for my liking.
#corne #crkbd #LittleKeyboard #zeal #AquaZilent #drop #iris