Gizmodo: Everything You Need to Know Before Watching Ahsoka #starwarstheclonewars #entertainmentculture #grandadmiralthrawn #fictionalcyborgs #anakinskywalker #starwarsahsoka #starwarsrebels #ashleyeckstein #rosariodawson #lukeskywalker #internetmemes #morganelsbeth #cassianandor #obiwankenobi #akadindjarin #herasyndulla #zeborrelios #kananjarrus #warconflict #ezrabridger #sabinewren #darthvader #ahsokatano
#starwarstheclonewars #entertainmentculture #grandadmiralthrawn #fictionalcyborgs #anakinskywalker #starwarsahsoka #starwarsrebels #ashleyeckstein #rosariodawson #lukeskywalker #internetmemes #morganelsbeth #cassianandor #obiwankenobi #akadindjarin #herasyndulla #zeborrelios #kananjarrus #warconflict #ezrabridger #sabinewren #darthvader #ahsokatano
El 29 de abril de 1960 nace el actor Steve Blum, la voz de Zeb Orrelios en Rebels y en The Mandalorian.
On April 29, 1960, actor Steve Blum, the voice of Zeb Orrelios in Rebels and The Mandalorian, was born.
#zeborrelios #steveblum #starwars
I just sat there going, "OH MY GOD, " for about five minutes.
#zeborrelios #starwarsrebels #themandalorian