As mentioned at the bottom of this very long article, were illegally created by the previous gov of led by a man who is now on trial for drug trafficking and embezzlement, and came to power fraudulently. The current gov is attempting to get rid of them but there is an extraordinary effort by the soulless Peter Thiels of the world to force the 2nd poorest country in Latin America to go through with these socially/economically harmful entities.

#zede #honduras

Last updated 2 years ago

"For the richest country in the hemisphere to threaten to withhold or extract resources from the third-poorest country lends credence to the critiques of those who viewed the ZEDEs as colonial."

#honduras #zede #latinamerica #colonialism

Last updated 2 years ago

Avispa Mídia · @AvispaMidia
700 followers · 1072 posts · Server

Repeal of Model Cities in Honduras provokes threats from the US

🇭🇳 | Since the approval, in 2013, of the law that paved the way for ZEDES, large sectors of Honduran society have organized against projects that cede territories to investors.

👉 🐝

#centralamerica #indigenouspeople #nativepeople #latam #extractivism #displacement #city #urbanity #ddhh #caribe #eeuu #caftadr #arcah #zede #developing #noalaszede #hondurasnosezede #latinoamerica #honduras

Last updated 2 years ago

Avispa Mídia · @AvispaMidia
625 followers · 1064 posts · Server

"Derogación de Ciudades Modelo en Honduras provoca amenaza de EEUU"

🇭🇳 | Desde la aprobación, en 2013, de la ley que abrió camino a las ZEDES, amplios sectores de la sociedad hondureña se organizaron contra los proyectos que ceden territorios a inversionistas.

👉 🐝

#honduras #ciudad #urbanidad #centroamerica #zede #hondurasnosezede #hondureno #noalaszede #latam #extractivismo #desplazamiento #pueblosoriginarios #ddhh #latinoamerica #caribe #eeuu #caftadr #arcah

Last updated 2 years ago

Jutta Blume · @BlumenRabatt
7 followers · 4 posts · Server

Unser Honduras-Spezial im onda-info ist fertig! Wir berichten von unserer Delegationsreise zu den Gemeinden, es geht um
die Privatstädte und um ein neues Radio von . Hier könnt ihr reinhören:

#garifuna #landraub #zede #karlalara

Last updated 2 years ago