RT @StartSocieties
Check the new article by Erick Brimen, Trey Goff and Nicholas Dranias: "Creating the first Honduran Zede: Lessons in Political Economy, Institutional design and Governance systems'' at https://buff.ly/3WTuFj5!
#ZEDES #journalofspecialjurisdictions #specialeconomiczones #Honduras
#zedes #journalofspecialjurisdictions #SpecialEconomicZones #honduras
@1br0wn Hannan is one of the chief architects if this. Dig into his links from South America, #Honduras, #ZEDEs #CharterCities and ultra free market libertarians.
Then look at the map of the SEZ's published by the UK govt and draw your own conclusions.
#chartercities #zedes #honduras