Ze Frank
True Facts: The Smartest Slime
#zefrank #amoeba #mold #mould #slime #smartsnot
It's always a good day when #ZeFrank releases a new #TrueFacts video. This one is 12 minutes of fascinating information about #SlimeMould which is 12 minutes more information than I knew before. Incredible organism, amazing to see what #nature is capable of, and the commentary is as superb as ever.
#biology #mould #mold #slime #slimemold #YouTube #Nature #slimemould #truefacts #zefrank
#Reede jäi küll vahele, kuid tagantjärgi räägib #ZeFrank meile täna sääskedest.
#Reede, ja #ZeFrank räägib meile täna Mantis Shrimp-ist (ma ausalt ei tea eestikeelset vastet)
Aw, that was a good one. Thanks for the video #ZeFrank.
(For some really great laughs, watch his True Facts series.)
#TrueFacts About The #Owl by #ZeFrank
Don’t do drugs.
aastat kokkuvõtvaid edetabeleid on erinevaid, ja #ZeFrank toob meile #AnimalAwards ‘i. kindlasti vaadake ka tema eelnevaid asju.
#zefrank #animalawards #ohtujutt
The new #ZeFrank episode of #TrueFacts is next level hilarious and mind blowing - get some #science up ya https://youtu.be/EhJYtmZuhV4