Post- #1989 #Germany could so easily have been a major driver for good; instead they went full "Handel Über Alles OHNE Wandel". Not just the govt but practically all the Germans I've met (overseas) and tried introducing human rights into discussion. Conscientious Germans have some task ahead.
Perma-chancellor #Schrölzkel or #Schrömerlz's "new #Zeitenwendey thingy" insists on the continued Support Through Business for the Chinese dictatorship despite its entire history and well-documented global objectives to remove democracy as an existential threat to its rule and expansion. No biggie, if you ask the political and industrialist elite of Germany.
Slava Ukraini! But are Tibetans and Uighurs etc. just too far from Europe to be worth supporting? #Iran's mullahs and other strongmen mushrooming everywhere also rely on #china and #russia for support.
#germany #schrolzkel #schromerlz #zeitenwendey #iran #china #russia #unitedfront #ufwd #unitednations #veto #handelohnewandel