It's come to my attention that hashtags are how we connect around here.
#ttrpg #rpg #ttrpgdesign #indiesagainstthemachine #vampirethemasquerade #changelingthedreaming #bladesinthedark #xmen #tmnt #transformers #minispainting #battletech #zelda #zeldatheory #bass #metalhead #heavymetal #punkrock #punk #terryprachett
Thinking of them all at once is a losing battle...
Are these things case-sensitive?
#ttrpg #rpg #ttrpgDesign #indiesagainstthemachine #VampireTheMasquerade #changelingthedreaming #bladesinthedark #xmen #tmnt #transformers #MinisPainting #battletech #zelda #zeldatheory #bass #metalhead #heavymetal #PunkRock #punk #TerryPrachett
Hmm 🤔
This one feels like a stretch, at least without any additional context.
#tearsofthekingdom #zeldatheory #skywardsword
Ooh! I just concocted a terrific #ZeldaTheory - according to Aonuma's "official" Zelda timeline, Ocarina splits the series into three. Primarily to render anything from before he took over an alternate non-canon event. That's the "downfall" timeline.
WHAT IF: The downfall timeline is what would happen if Link doesn't do the big trading quest and help all the different people across Hyrule, subsequently not having the Biggoron's Sword when the Master Sword is knocked from his hands!
Yoooo. Link's arm is corrupted with malice first. He then drops the master sword to jump and save Zelda while she's falling into the pit. #ZeldaTearsOfTheKingdom #zeldabreathofthewild #zeldatheory
#zeldatearsofthekingdom #zeldabreathofthewild #zeldatheory
Yoooo. Link's arm is corrupted with malice first. He then drops the master sword to jump and save Zelda while she's falling into the pit. #ZeldaTearsOfTheKingdom #zeldab #zeldatheory
#zeldatearsofthekingdom #zeldab #zeldatheory
Calling it now. That's a Gleeok on the Bridge of Hylia #zeldatearsofthekingdom #zeldabreathofthewild #zeldatheory
#zeldatearsofthekingdom #zeldabreathofthewild #zeldatheory
Yoooo. Link's arm is corrupted with malice first. He then drops the master sword to jump and save Zelda while she's falling into the pit. #ZeldaTearsOfTheKingdom #zeldatheory
#zeldatearsofthekingdom #zeldatheory