Recording marathon tonight to kick off our #2023goals for our channel and I cannot express just how much I absolutely adore #zeldawindwaker ! We are playing the original on #gamecube because we wanted to see what the tingle tuner was like and it did not disappoint. There is just so much nostalgia but it also really holds up and is a gorgeous game even 20 years after it's release.
#2023goals #zeldawindwaker #gamecube
Our first youtube #letsplay of #ZeldaWindwaker went live today. I love this game so much, it's in my top 3 Zelda titles so I am very excited to be revisiting it after so many years. #youtuber
#letsplay #zeldawindwaker #youtuber
Today is her b-day! [12/13] (at least according to Animal Crossing)
#fanart #zelda #zeldawindwaker #medli #legendofzelda
#fanart #zelda #zeldawindwaker #medli #legendofzelda
Voici le planning du moment !
On refait BOTW mais cette fois-ci en mode expert, on a un quota de 15 morts déjà… 👀
#twitch #twitchfr #gamer #gamergirl #zelda #zeldabotw #breathofthewild #zeldawindwaker #mariokart #mariokart8deluxe #mk #mk8d
#twitch #twitchfr #gamer #gamergirl #zelda #zeldabotw #breathofthewild #zeldawindwaker #mariokart #mariokart8deluxe #mk #mk8d
Hey moi c’est Venusiaan 👋🏼
Une petite streameuse #twitch depuis janvier 2022.
Mes stream sont tout chill, on rigole beaucoup alors n’hésite pas à passer, je suis en live du Lundi au Vendredi à partir de 22h et sur du #zeldawindwaker et #zeldabotw
Il y a aussi un tournoi #mariokart tous les mercredis avec la communauté 🥰🏎️
#twitch #zeldawindwaker #zeldabotw #mariokart
Five #videogames to introduce myself !
1. #NierAutomata : One of the most mind breaking game I've played. Makes you cry.
2. #Earthbound : An old game for sure but it stands the test of time and is creative and touching.
3. #PokemonGoldAndSilver : Best Pokémon game of all time, favorite game growing up !
4. #ZeldaWindWaker : My favorite Zelda, the atmosphere, the music, and the art have all aged gracefully.
5. #Persona5Royal : The best JRPG ever created with the most banging OST.
#Persona5Royal #zeldawindwaker #pokemongoldandsilver #earthbound #nierautomata #videogames
Hach, ist das schön: beide Kinder sind zu einer annehmbaren Zeit im Bett und Mama und Papa haben endlich mal Zeit für sich.
Höchste Zeit miteinander.............. #zeldawindwaker zu zocken 😉😅
Was dachtet ihr denn? 😂
#zeldawindwaker #eltern #zelda #nintendo #eindeutigzweideutig