Op X woedt een heel andere oorlog dan in de rest van de wereld. #Poetin gaat daar als een speer en is absoluut niet de bron van alle ellende.
Opper-mafkees en erkend ‘vredesstichter’ Joost Niemöller heeft overigens ‘informatie’ dat de CIA #Zelenksy binnenkort gaat omleggen, om #Rusland daarvan de schuld te kunnen geven.
#poetin #zelenksy #rusland #oekraine
Politicians around the world suck up to #Zelenksy because they want some of his popularity to rub off on them. What they seem to have completely missed is that he’s popular because he is the polar opposite of themselves.
the Pandora Papers showed that Zelensky, along with his inner circle, ran a web of offshore companies in 2012..#Zelenksy..#Ukraine..#corruption https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/pandora-papers-reveal-volodymyr-zelensky-s-web-of-offshore-companies/vi-AA174Kv1?cvid=18b6e7517c9244e7b5787362634a3bc5&ocid=winp2fptaskbar
#zelenksy #ukraine #Corruption
I'd like to say I was surprised at the right-wing reaction to #Zelenksy being named Person of the Year for 2022 but I can't.