Know this.

These bodies that are given to us at birth are impermanent. One day they will cease to function, and we will die. Some of us are fortunate that our bodies will work almost until the last minute. Some of us, like myself (heart attack, cancer), are not so fortunate and we are reminded of our own mortality much earlier.

Still, all bodies are impermanent.

Reflect upon the above.

#zen #zenbuddhism #buddhism #impermanence #body

Last updated 1 year ago

I wrote this before joining Mastodon. It is about the funeral of my dearest cat Willow. Pretty Impala was talking about getting a cat and I impressed upon her the responsibilities it entails. Then I told her about Willow's funeral and sent her the poem:

#poetry #buddhism #funeral #euthanasia #death #cat #daddysgirl #zenbuddhism #zen #kwanseumbosal #jijangbosal #sogamunibul #mettasutta #metta

Last updated 1 year ago

Ngl, I've been talking to a 45yo woman on and it ain't going super well. She tends to assume rather than let me reveal myself.

I am human too so I do too sometimes, but I'm also a . I let people reveal themselves to me.

I find that the young people I've dated tend to do the same as I do. Maybe because they have "beginner's mind?" I tell them something and then they ask, rather than assume they know the answer.

#kinkd #assume #zen #buddhist #dating #zenbuddhism

Last updated 1 year ago

I was thinking about going to a 7-day retreat at my center, a few states away from where I live.

I also also thinking about how I'd present this to Pretty Impala, seeing as our relationship is just starting.

Then I remembered that I'm tapering off the keppra that keeps my seizures at bay. If I were to have a seizure while or at the Zen center I'd be in deep because most states want you off the road when you have .

No seizures so far. ๐Ÿ‘

#zen #driving #shit #seizures #zenbuddhism #meditation

Last updated 1 year ago

"Beware of !"

"No, no, no! Beware of ."

๐Ÿค” Come to think of it, orgasmized religion does not sound so bad.

Maybe that's what I give my subs.

GIRLS: A ! A meditation! There is going to be a meditation tonight!

DINGO: And after the meditation, the oral sex.

#god #orgasmized #religion #meditation #oralsex #montypythonandtheholygrail #montypython #orgasmizedreligion #sex #zen #zenmeditation #zenbuddhism #buddhism

Last updated 1 year ago

There's nothing like accidentally seeing a of Pretty Impala before .

all the way!

#nude #meditation #boner #zenmeditation #zen #zenbuddhism #buddhism

Last updated 1 year ago

Wow wow wow wow wow!

So Pretty Impala asks me how the went yesterday and we talk about it, and she says she's done meditation before and wants to get back into it.

Yes yes yes yes yes yes!

I told her she's welcome to join me. I think I might just get her to sit with me.

OMG! I love her so much! ๐Ÿ˜

#meditation #zen #zenbuddhism #zenmeditation #buddhism #love #relationships

Last updated 1 year ago

is over. I'm going to get so that is going to out of my !

I wonder if it is going to do anything for my . ๐Ÿค”

#meditation #krunked #kava #shoot #ears #pain #zen #zenbuddhism #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression

Last updated 1 year ago

I'm not going to be on much today. I'm going to be in a day-long that my group is holding through .

We've been doing retreats since the start of the . I don't think they are ever going to go away. However, we've restarted going retreats in person too.

#mastodon #meditating #zen #retreat #zoom #pandemic #zenretreat #buddhism #zenbuddhism

Last updated 1 year ago

Becs #TeamPlanet · @becsteamplanet
544 followers · 1596 posts · Server
LDB · @lannan
60 followers · 57 posts · Server

My new little is live!

Going back to that late 2000s strip vibe to share bits of my practice, humor, and meditations on life.

Comics for Monks:

#chicano #vancouver #theology #religion #meditation #spirituality #mexicayotl #zenbuddhism #animism #polytheism #pagan #webcomic #comic

Last updated 2 years ago

ZeNeece · @ZeNeece
172 followers · 1465 posts · Server

Oh, which form of ?
I have studied and followed etc. Also and
works. Research backs it up.
I did the kind of practice for awhile, and still do sometimes. But now, it's ingrained and I pretty much am on and off all the time, and am able to appreciate and be thankful for so many things.

#gratitude #buddhism #zenbuddhism #taoism #psychology #science #3goodthings #mindful

Last updated 2 years ago

Tucker Teague · @tuckerteague
1074 followers · 1059 posts · Server

I've been reading and truly enjoying the book, "The Issue At Hand: Essays on Buddhist Mindfulness Practice" by Gil Fronsdal. It's very good. It's short and very accessible.

Here is a link where you can download the book for free:

#buddhism #mindfulness #meditation #buddhist #zen #zenbuddhism

Last updated 2 years ago

A teacher said, โ€œYou should cultivate your virtue. You should accumulate your merit. If you give others the good part of a pickle, then you will accumulate merit. That is why you should take the worst part of the pickle.โ€ And I thought, then I would rather take the best part to let others [laughs, laughter] accumulate more merit. I didn't want to accumulate merit for myself.

- Shunryu Suzuki lecture 1967-12-06,

#zen #buddhism #soto #zenbuddhism

Last updated 2 years ago

Nyogen Senzaki, Eloquent Silence (2008)

#meditation #zen #zenbuddhism #buddhism

Last updated 2 years ago

Lรช Quan Ninh · @ninh
0 followers · 2 posts · Server

2023, Let's wish for a revolution

#boddisattva #zenbuddhism #buddhism #zen

Last updated 2 years ago

DaveyTNT · @davey_tnt
33 followers · 185 posts · Server

Book 13 of this year

Peace is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life โ€“ Thich Nhat Hanh


#thichnhathanh #buddhism #zenbuddhism #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago