I need a zenity progress bar using the output of shred #commandline #zenity #shredding
#commandline #zenity #shredding
gnome-terminal and zenity will not install #gnome #dependencies #gcc #g++ #zenity
#gnome #dependencies #GCC #g #zenity
Erweiterte Dateiattribute mit Zenity in Thunar einbinden
Ein sinnfreier Versuch, erweiterte Dateiattribute mit Zenity in Thunar zu integrieren.
#Thunar #Zenity #Dateiattribute #Tags #Shell_Skript #Python #Linux
#thunar #zenity #dateiattribute #tags #shell_skript #python #linux
My #i3 #keymaps are #emacs-ish, in fact. To start it up in #workspace 10, for instance, I type
Super--e Super-F10
To switch to that was (if emacs is running or not)
Super--e F10
To start it but pop up a #Zenity query 1st to ask for emac' WD to be set first,
Super--e Super-S-F10
Replace 'e' with 't' and it does #urxvt instead of emacs.
So (continued on next rock)...
#i3 #keymaps #emacs #workspace #zenity #urxvt
Run Windows Apps And Games Using WineZGUI On Linux #WineZGUI #Wine #WineFrontend #WineGUI #Zenity #Linux #Opensource #BashScript #Windows #Games
#games #Windows #bashscript #OpenSource #Linux #zenity #WineGUI #WineFrontend #wine #WineZGUI
@metalune nice initiative! I played around with the idea too a few years ago using good ol' #zenity and some bash-fu. Then #invidious came in and I got lazy lol. Perhaps I should pick up the project again, re-write it in C or something.
Suggestion: how about a command-line searching utility? Some #searx instances allow you to get results as RSS or JSON. If you could query `site:youtube.com %s` and scrape the results, bam: entirely self-contained #cli solution!
#zenity #invidious #searx #cli
How To Create GUI Dialog Boxes In Bash Scripts With Zenity #BashScripting #BashTutorial #Bash #Scripting #Zenity #GTK #DialogBox #Linux #Commandline #CLI
#CLI #commandLine #Linux #DialogBox #GTK #zenity #scripting #bash #BashTutorial #bashscripting
You're working on the #cli but you cannot forget to pick your in law at the airport in 2 hours and 40 minutes.
Free tip: Use this #bash #zenity one-liner #timer.
TIME=$(zenity --entry --title="Timer" --text="Enter a duration for the timer.\n\n Use 2s for 2 seconds, 2m for 2 minutes, or 2h for 2 hours."); sleep $TIME; zenity --info --title="Timer Complete" --text="Timer ended. \n$TIME went by. \nTime now: $(date | cut -d" " -f5)"
#cli #bash #zenity #timer #nice #programming
I case someone is curious at what I've been doing last week; I've #scripting in #bash to get autorotate to work. Basically in every desktop environment, but specifically in #Lubuntu ( #LXQT ). I've made it work, with the addition of asking to disable the keyboard with a #zenity popup question, which you can find in the project linked¹ below.
What surprised me the most that someone replied to the project to add a feature!
#zenity #lubuntu #lxqt #scripting #bash