To make sure my dog gets to see new things on walks i randomize our route. This also works if you enjoy getting lost in your neighborhood. Here's how:
As you reach each intersection, look at the last digit of the license plate of the car parked closest to the corner.
At most intersections the choices are go straight, turn left, turn right, or turn around. If the number is 1-3, turn left; 4-6 go straight; 7-9 turn right; 0 cross the street you're on and go back in the direction you came from.
At other kinds of intersections i don't have rules for going back the way you came.
If you're at an intersection with fewer choices, take the left path if the number's odd, right if even.
At intersections with more directions to choose from, add the last digits of the license plates of the _two_ cars nearest the intersection. Count to that number starting with the path that continues in the direction you're already going. So if you're at a five way intersection and your number is 12, start from the road that continues ahead and go clockwise around your potential routes counting off each one until you get to 12. If you don't count going back the way you came, you'll wind up taking the path to the left of the one that continues the way you're going.
If the last character is a letter always count through the routes using "A" for the one that continues your path and assigning sequential letters to potential paths in a clockwise rotation.
You can do odd and even with letters as well: it's not too hard to figure out if a letter's position in the alphabet is odd or even if you keep in mind that all of the vowels (including "Y") fall in odd number positions.
#flaneur #boulevardier #zennavigation #randonaut