@newdefined @wurmloch langjährigen Erfahrungen mit #Ubuntu erinnern wich immer mehr an #Citroen in den Achtzigern: „Es funktioniert alles, nur anders!“
Und zumindest kann ich mich an ein Testprojekt erinnern, wo der Admin -- wohlmeinend -- die „Grüne Hölle“ -- #Zentyal -- installiert hat und ich nicht in der Lage war, #bind so
zu konfigurieren wie wir das brauchten. Am Ende hab ich dann doch wieder die Konfiguration von Hand gepflegt.
#bind #zentyal #citroen #ubuntu
Well bugrit millenium hand and shrimp, as Foul Ole Ron said.
I figured I'd take a couple of hours to upgrade my #zentyal home firewall (community edition) to 22.04 LTS. Went mostly OK, only needing mysql to be manually restarted.
Unfortunately, Zentyal 7.0 (with the nice UI) only works on 20.04 LTS, as I found out after the reboot. The box still works fine as a firewall and pi-hole is up and running, but it looks like I'll be managing it through ssh for now. Not hard for me, just annoying.
Just found out that the latest Windows 11 release (22H2) has changes that break integration with older Samba domains.
As I'm using Zentyal to manage my domain, I checked on their github. https://github.com/zentyal/zentyal/issues/2106
As you can see, Zentyal themselves agree that you should set up a new Linux server, install the newest samba package, add it to your currently broken domain, set it up as another domain controller then wait till May for the bug to be fixed in the next major release.
Looks like I'm gonna have to downgrade my Win11 laptop for now, then look at other ways of implementing Active Directory that aren't Zentyal.
Note: I still support the Zentyal project, and what they do, but their replies on this issue are a little infuriating.
#linux #windows11 #zentyal #homelab #sysadmin
Zentyal: Una alternativa Linux a Windows Server #sysadmin #active_directory #ebox #linux #windows_server #zentyal https://www.ochobitshacenunbyte.com/2022/06/14/zentyal-una-alternativa-linux-a-windows-server/
#sysadmin #active_directory #ebox #linux #windows_server #zentyal
Zentyal: Una alternativa Linux a Windows Server #sysadmin #active_directory #ebox #linux #windows_server #zentyal https://www.ochobitshacenunbyte.com/2022/06/14/zentyal-una-alternativa-linux-a-windows-server/
#sysadmin #active_directory #ebox #linux #windows_server #zentyal
In other news, I've got a reasonably open source implementation of Active Directory functional at home now. Both the office PC and my laptop have the same roaming profile, and I'm slowly managing to integrate my other services in.
#homelab #sysadmin #activedirectory #zentyal
Replicación del SysVol entre un pdc y un bdc en Zentyal #zentyal https://algodelinux.com/replicacion-del-sysvol-entre-un-pdc-y-un-bdc-en-zentyal/
If my business is going to survive after lockdown I'm going to need a serious tech upgrade. My servers are old & creaking. My previous goto #SMEServer, previously eSmith, hasn't had an upgrade since 2017. Came across #Zentyal, looks good but looks proprietary. Does anyone know of anything else that provides domain accounts, file sharing and an email server? Or how easy is it to set up all this stuff on #Ubuntu 20.04 server? I'm happy with the command line just not sure what packages I need.