Also though…Shoutout to the weirdo #trolls who are out living their best “post-Covid” lives yet spend their days commenting on the #ZeroCovid #subreddit . We all definitely believe you that you have moved past the #pandemic. Definitely an “us” (#COVIDConscious people) problem and not a “you” (#AntiCovid people who are obsessed with #covid) problem. #Sarcasm
#trolls #zeroCovid #subreddit #pandemic #COVIDConscious #anticovid #covid #sarcasm
It was a really shitty weekend re: managing relationships while also acknowledging #Covid. Thankful for the #ZeroCovid community being so validating. This shit sucks but it undoubtedly sucks less because of y’all 💕
#CovidIsntOver #C19 #Pandemic #COVIDConscious #COVIDcautious #COVIDSafe
#covid #zeroCovid #covidisntover #c19 #pandemic #COVIDConscious #COVIDcautious #covidsafe
Noch einmal zum Mitmeißeln:
Die Regierung muss es schaffen, die Bevölkerung jeweils nach Ablauf des Schutz vor Infektion der letzten Infektion (bis zu 6 Monate) und vor Ablauf des Schutz' vor schweren Aktuverläufen (ca 10 Monate) durchzuinfizieren, um schwere Akutverläufe und damit eine hohe Krankenhausbelastung zu vermeiden. Alle Wünsche nach Luftfiltern, Maskenpflicht o.ä. laufen deshalb ins Leere, weil sie die durchschnittliche Zeit bis zur nächsten Infektion verlängern und damit das Risiko schwerer Akutverläufe erhöhen würden.
Das gilt natürlich nur für die allgemeine Bevölkerung. Die Reichen haben #DavosStandard und müssen sich gar nicht infizieren.
Die einzige Alternative zu dieser Strategie ist die Elimination. #ZeroCovid, #NoCovid.
#davosstandard #zeroCovid #noCovid
Old queer cis white guy (Chinese by marriage), proud dad of 3 LGBTQ superstars - 1 is autistic, like me. Poet.
#intro #ProtectTransKids #Landback #blacklivesmatter #actuallyautistic #zeroCovid
Das #ZDF sendet kein #heutejournal , sondern eine Propagandasendung peinlichster Machart. Wie immer man zum Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine steht, das hat mit Journalismus nichts zu tun, sondern bewegt sich auf indiskutablem Niveau. Ich erwarte Berichterstattung, keine Darstellung von Befindlichkeiten einer #MariettaSlomka, deren Leben offenbar ihren Sinn verloren hat, weil Deutschland nicht die #ZeroCovid-Strategie umgesetzt hat.
#zdf #heutejournal #mariettaslomka #zeroCovid
Why did #ZeroCovid come to an abrupt end in #China? Why has China been resistant to global mRNA vaccines? Panelists Chang-Tai Hsieh (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business), Joan Kaufman (Schwarzman Scholars / Harvard Medical School), and Nian Liu (Financial Times), at our #StiglerChinaSeries discussed anti-Chinese sentiment, the labor force, economy, protests, the impact of the last 3 years, and more.
#zeroCovid #china #stiglerchinaseries
New publication from Principle Research Fellow Shengjie Lai - What effect will lunar new year have on #COVID spread in #China ? - in #ConversationUK #ZeroCOVID #LunarNewYear #mobility #modelling
#covid #China #conversationuk #zeroCovid #lunarnewyear #mobility #modelling
Gibt es jetzt noch irgendeinen Staat der eine ZeroCovid Politik fährt?
Deeply disturbing how Martin McKee and others who should know better have been campaigning against Sweden by spreading misinformation from #ZeroCovid fanatics like the current piece.
Shameful and embarrassing.
UN exemple que #omicron #SARSCoV2 no és benigne, un més. I un altre exemple que l'estratègia #ZeroCovid cal emprar-la per preparar-se (vaccinació, millores ventilació espais públics, etc.), però no essent sostenible en el llarg termini, quan es deixa anar sempre demana un peatge en infeccions greus i mortalitat.
Lunar New Year dilemma for China’s post ‘zero-COVID’ travellers
I found myself facing a lot of this when I was able to go home from Taiwan for the first time in 3 years (without mandatory quarantine upon return) so I can begin to sympathize. The difference is that I was never truly barred from travel, it was merely a miserable choice to have to make.
Van #ZeroCovid naar vrijheid, een fascinerend persoonlijk verslag van correspondent #SjoerdDenDaas uit #China
#zeroCovid #sjoerddendaas #china
🇨🇳 Les médias d'État chinois admettent qu'il y avait des "points de vue différents" sur le #ZéroCovid, et assurent (contrairement aux impressions) que l'abandon de cette politique était en réflexion depuis longtemps.
Yikes! Ryan T. Gregory has completely lost it.
I used to respect him a lot for his excellent research on genomics, transposable elements and evolution of genome size, but during this pandemic he has unfortunately become a fanatic #ZeroCovid proponent
Challenge accepted. #covid19 #zeroCovid #ventilationiskey #MaskUp #vaccinessavelives
#covid19 #zeroCovid #ventilationiskey #MaskUp #vaccinessavelives
2022 in Cartoons: December
"White Paper Revolution"
#China #COVID19 #USmedia #capitalism #astroturf #zeroCOVID
Welp… another day, another US-instigated protest “movement” for “freedom” in China, slavishly “reported” by the USmedia. They’ve even got a cute gimmick and nickname to go with it already. The “White Paper” Revolution, the wags are calling it at the State Dept, NED, USAID, NY Times... and it’s all about some selfish, brutalist Ayn Rand concept of “freedom”...
#china #COVID19 #usmedia #capitalism #astroturf #zeroCovid
BLÖD berechenbar wie niederträchtig:
China unter #ZeroCOVID --> "is doch nur nen Schnupfen"
China nach #ZeroCovid --> "SIE VERBRENNEN LEICHEN AUF DER STRAßE!!!1!"
2022 in Cartoons: February
"Ode To Joy"
Y’know that stupid game you play with fortune cookies in which you read the fortune out loud and add the phrase “in bed” at the end…? Well, that’s apparently the favorite little fun game with the brain-rotted US media with regard to China, especially at the Olympics this past week...
#COVID19 #2022olympics #zeroCovid #washingtonpost
I have the feeling that large parts of "Follow the science" and #ZeroCovid crowds will ignore this sensible view from
as this calm message is not aligned with their fear mongering agendas:
Once again the #ZeroCovid crowd shares graphs with cherry-picked statistical snapshots in time to promote their biased narratives about #Sweden and the so-called #HerdImmunity "strategy"
Unbelievable. And so disappointing with academics who also spread these false narratives.
Once again -
#Sweden has the most #covid deaths.
You would think this would be picked up by Swedish media…
#sverigebilden #herdimmunity
#zeroCovid #sweden #HerdImmunity #COVID #sverigebilden