@RitaWerner @kubikpixel @ComicSans @torproject
Klingt für mich nach #Govware alla #Pegasus...
Keine Sorge, dafür musst du nur Kontakt eines Kontakts sein der von jener #Malware attackiert wurde, weil #ZeroClick...
Würde mit anderem Gerät auf gleichem Account gegentesten.
#Signal wird jedenfalls #Govware-#Backdoors haben, denn sonst wär's in den #USA und auch in #Deutschland illegal...
#Deutschland #USA #backdoors #Signal #zeroclick #Malware #Pegasus #govware
@Sascha_Raubal @andre_meister nope.
Ich hab' mich der shice auch konsequent verweigert und tue es bis heute.
Spart einem ne menge #Spam und #ZeroClick-#Malware...
@sinclair @easthighNerd well, that contradicts my own behaviour and experiences.
Also I don't think I miss out on amything important on.those shitty #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider messengers...
Like #ZeroClick #Govware from #Cermercenaries for hike & #malware producers #NSO et. al.
#NSO #Malware #cermercenaries #govware #zeroclick #SingleProvider #singlevendor
🔍🚫Capisci il fenomeno delle ricerche senza clic e come adattare la tua strategia SEO!
➡️ https://rafaelpatron.com/blog/digital-marketing/zero-click/
Azione da intraprendere:
1️⃣ Ottimizzare per le risposte dirette (featured snippets)
2️⃣ Creare contenuti di valore per aumentare la visibilità
3️⃣ Utilizzare schema markup per i dati strutturati
4️⃣ Monitorare le metriche oltre i clic
5️⃣ Sfruttare i canali alternativi per il traffico
#zeroclick #seo #featuredsnippets #strategia
🔍🚫Capisci il fenomeno delle ricerche senza clic e come adattare la tua strategia SEO!
➡️ https://rafaelpatron.com/blog/digital-marketing/zero-click/
Azione da intraprendere:
1️⃣ Ottimizzare per le risposte dirette (featured snippets)
2️⃣ Creare contenuti di valore per aumentare la visibilità
3️⃣ Utilizzare schema markup per i dati strutturati
4️⃣ Monitorare le metriche oltre i clic
5️⃣ Sfruttare i canali alternativi per il traffico
#zeroclick #seo #featuredsnippets #strategia #visibilita
Referenced link: https://0day.today/exploit/description/38261
Originally posted by 0day Exploit Database 🌴 / @inj3ct0r@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/inj3ct0r/status/1638488225806163968#m
#0day #Microsoft #Outlook Remote Code Execution #Exploit #RCE #zeroclick https://0day.today/exploit/description/38261
#0day #microsoft #outlook #exploit #RCE #zeroclick
[‘삼성 메시지 가드’, 새로운 해킹 위협에 대한 해답 – Samsung Newsroom Korea](https://news.samsung.com/kr/%ec%82%bc%ec%84%b1-%eb%a9%94%ec%8b%9c%ec%a7%80-%ea%b0%80%eb%93%9c-%ec%83%88%eb%a1%9c%ec%9a%b4-%ed%95%b4%ed%82%b9-%ec%9c%84%ed%98%91%ec%97%90-%eb%8c%80%ed%95%9c-%ed%95%b4%eb%8b%b5)
> 메시지를 열어보지도 않고 다운받지도 않았는데
Is there any #seo tool that gives #ZeroClick stats for specific SERPs or SERP groups or is that data not available?
Trying to analyse some changing user traffic patterns and put the context in to if people are doing more refining on upper funnel terms than previously, as a theory for lower CTR given roughly equivalent ranking.
On the back of @albinolobster’s #CVSS agreement research: is it possible for an #XSS exploit to function without a “user interaction” component?
The easy case I can think of are the #zeroclick style exploits - merely browsing a web page triggers the exploit. But of course, the user must do the browsing. Is mere browsing passive enough to qualify as “no user interaction?”
Project Zero: A deep dive into an NSO zero-click iMessage exploit: Remote Code Execution
#rce #zeroclick #imessage #exploit #pegasus #nso