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⚖️ Features Vs. #Vulnerability #patching who wins in your organization?
With product teams always wanting to release new features for their customers, security teams are worried about patching vulnerabilities on time.
As growth is a priority for any business, patching vulnerabilities often take a back seat, and it's always a trade-off to the features.
And it's the hackers who benefit from this - they get around 200+ days to target a vulnerability. 🐱💻
The solution?
Patch your vulnerabilities and release new features both at the same time!
We tell you how to patch your vulnerabilities within 24 hours in our upcoming free webinar - 16th March, 2:30 PM to 3:15 PM (IST)
This is your last chance to register for the webinar: bit.ly/3kww6GT
#virtualpatching #zerodayvulnerability #vulnerabilityassessment #pentesting #hacking #zerodayexploits #securitywebinar #zeroday #vulnerabilitymanagement #vulnerabilities #webinar #thoughtleadership #apptrana #indusface
#vulnerability #patching #virtualpatching #zerodayvulnerability #vulnerabilityassessment #pentesting #hacking #zerodayexploits #securitywebinar #zeroday #vulnerabilitymanagement #vulnerabilities #webinar #thoughtleadership #apptrana #indusface
👉 With the agile development process, tens of vulnerabilities get introduced into code in every sprint.
The average time vulnerabilities remain open is 180+ days from the time its discovered.
When it comes to business growth vs. security, business always wins, which means vulnerabilities are not patched on time allowing hackers to exploit them.
However, most of these can be patched using Virtual patching—in 24 hours and with ZERO impact on business continuity.
In the upcoming webinar, join Vivekanand Gopalan, VP of Product Management at Indusface, as he discusses:
- Vulnerability assessments and penetration testing best practices
- Fundamentals of virtual patching
- An example of a zero-day vulnerability that has been virtually patched
This is your last chance to book your seat. Register now! bit.ly/3kww6GT
#virtualpatching #zerodayvulnerability #vulnerabilityassessment #pentesting #hacking #zerodayexploits #securitywebinar #zeroday #vulnerabilitymanagement #vulnerabilities #webinar #thoughtleadership #apptrana #indusface
#virtualpatching #zerodayvulnerability #vulnerabilityassessment #pentesting #hacking #zerodayexploits #securitywebinar #zeroday #vulnerabilitymanagement #vulnerabilities #webinar #thoughtleadership #apptrana #indusface
800 Million attacks were blocked despite having thousands of vulnerabilities open for >180 days!!
The secret?
All these applications leverage “virtual patching” to block complex attacks right at the WAF.
Understand more about what Virtual Patching is in our recent upcoming Webinar on 16th March - 2:30 PM to 3:15 PM (IST)
Book your seat now! bit.ly/3kww6GT
#virtualpatching #zerodayvulnerability #vulnerabilityassessment #pentesting #hacking #zerodayexploits #securitywebinar #zeroday #vulnerabilitymanagement #vulnerabilities #itwebinar #apptrana #indusface
#virtualpatching #zerodayvulnerability #vulnerabilityassessment #pentesting #hacking #zerodayexploits #securitywebinar #zeroday #vulnerabilitymanagement #vulnerabilities #itwebinar #apptrana #indusface
👉 The average time a vulnerability remains open is 180+ days!
When it comes to business growth vs. security, business always wins.
And this significantly affects security, as hackers find more time to exploit the vulnerabilities.
However, most of these vulnerabilities can be patched using Virtual Patching— within 24 hours with ZERO impact on business continuity.
In the upcoming webinar, join Vivek Gopalan, VP of Product Management at Indusface, as he discusses:
- Vulnerability assessments and penetration testing best practices
- Fundamentals of Virtual Patching
- An example of a zero-day vulnerability that has been patched virtually
Register for the webinar now! http://bit.ly/3kww6GT
#virtualpatching #zerodayvulnerability #vulnerabilityassessment #pentesting #hacking #zerodayexploits #securitywebinar #zeroday #vulnerabilitymanagement #vulnerabilities #itwebinar #apptrana #indusface
#virtualpatching #zerodayvulnerability #vulnerabilityassessment #pentesting #hacking #zerodayexploits #securitywebinar #zeroday #vulnerabilitymanagement #vulnerabilities #itwebinar #apptrana #indusface
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/why-zero-day-attacks-are-so-dangerous-and-how-to-stop-them
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/why-zero-day-attacks-are-so-dangerous-and-how-to-stop-them
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1574116537480499204#m
"Why Zero-Day Attacks are so Dangerous and How to Stop Them" by @secure_triad https://hackernoon.com/why-zero-day-attacks-are-so-dangerous-and-how-to-stop-them #zerodayattacks #zerodayexploits
#zerodayattacks #zerodayexploits
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Understanding the Risk of Zero-Day Exploits - While the best protective measures can't protect your business completely from a zero-day attack, ... more: https://threatpost.com/understanding-the-risk-of-zero-day-exploits/151110/ #soc-as-a-service #vulnerabilities #zerodayexploits #mobilesecurity #cloudsecurity #vulnerability #websecurity #malware #breach #iot
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