Hashtags for above post.
#racism #terrorism #violence #extremism #fascism #votingrights #civilrights #stateofdemocracy #whitepeople #MAGA #sheilajacksonlee #chutkin #zerodayssincewhitenonsense
Anyone can be a"drug trafficker" if you want them dead badly enough. And we all know how fascists are.
#desantis #rondesantis #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #racism #extremism #violence #stateofdemocracy
"#WageSlavery" (sic)
#wageslavery #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #whitepeople
"@Freedom2B 1 i was not even aware i was talking to anyone of color as you claim. 2 i dont see or treat anyone different no mather how they look, or who they are. 3 if you think that was snippy, then it's on you. 4 Who are you to judge what i tell others that they do not object to them selves ?"
"learned new skills"
I am sitting here breathing so that I do not literally vomit. Pro-slavery activists like DeSantis literally make me sick.
#HT #ptsd #slavery #whitepeople #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #fwp
Just out of curiosity, did southern whites know how to wipe themselves after defecation?
#slavery #history #southernworkethicsic #softhands #zerodayssincewhitenonsense
Republicans once again pretending that science is just a hoax.
#covid #epidemiology #virology #infectiousdisease #politics #republicans #zerodayssincewhitenonsense
Dearest, Fondest whites of Michigan:
Eating in a restaurant is not a right delineated in any Constitution anywhere. Suck it up, snowflakes.
I hope that the State of Michigan takes that anti-quarantine lawsuit to the State Supreme Court.
#mipol #michigan #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #COVID19 #covid #lockdown #quarantine #epidemiology
What the fk is Emeraldface McApartheidBoy doing now??
#twitter #zerodayssincewhitenonsense
This post from US Rep Lisa Mcclain on 30 March 2023.
"New activity by Representative Lisa C. McClain. Legislation cosponsored:
"H.R. 427 - SAVE Moms and Babies Act of 2023
"H.R. 1388 - To require the Secretary of the Treasury mint coins to honor and memorialize the tragedy of the Sultana steamboat explosion of 1865."
McClain is asking us to spend our tax dollars praising the slave-era cotton industry. You see, the Sultana was constructed in 1863 by the John Litherbury Boatyard in Cincinnati, Ohio and was intended for the lower Mississippi cotton trade.
#slavery #confederacy #mipol #lisamcclain #uscongress #congress #zerodayssincewhitenonsense
"Approximately 94% of all pro-BLM demonstrations have been peaceful, with 6% involving reports of violence, clashes with police, vandalism, looting, or other destructive activity. In the remaining 6%, it is not clear who instigated the violent or destructive activity. While some cases of violence or looting have been provoked by demonstrators, other events have escalated as a result of aggressive government action, intervention from right-wing groups or individual assailants, and car-ramming attacks. In contrast, demonstrations involving right-wing militias or militant social movements have turned violent or destructive over twice as often, or nearly 14% of the time.
"Authorities are three times more likely to intervene in pro-BLM demonstrations than they are in other demonstrations. At least 38 distinct, named far-right groups have engaged directly with pro-BLM demonstrators.
Approximately 26% of these demonstrations have turned violent or destructive."
#GeorgeFloyd #blacklivesmatter #protests #stateviolence #racism #cops #policeviolence #extremistviolence #militias #rightwing #whitesupremacy #zerodayssincewhitenonsense
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is an unmitigated partially re-heated piece of stagnant sh**.
Remember that posts regarding labour exploitation need Trigger Warnings.
#SarahHuckabeeSanders #arkansas #childlabor #LaborExploitation #labortrafficking #republicans #whitepeople #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #fkthissh #stoptheplanetiwantoff
Ope, and there goes the daily sundown town Soren in my town. Whee. Yay.
I say, #fwp.
#sundowntowns #racism #fwp #whitepeople #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #hwitþreax
Remember when you all said "Never Again?" Never Again is now. This is it. The concentration camps already exist. Biden is threatening to fill them with Black People, Indigenous People, and LatinX People.
#biden #trump #migrantdetentioncenters #immigration #border #racism #xenophobia #concentrationcamps #fascism #uspol #whitepeople #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #dosomethingdammit
NOTE: violence, including #SexualAbuse, is mentioned.
#sexualabuse #whitepeople #domestiviolence #childabuse #sports #baseball #mlb #zerodayssincewhitenonsense
Yay, a measles outbreak.
Evangelical retreat in KY.
#plaguerats #whitepeople #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #epidemiology #virology #measles
NOTE: Acts and words of racist aggression described below. Of particular interest is a reference to anti-environmentalism by one of the attackers.
"Early Sunday morning, one person — who was accompanied by others in two vehicles — went up to two vehicles parked in the family's driveway and, using some kind of white marker, scribbled vulgar images, expletives, the N-word in full form and a swastika.
"On Lucretia Greear's Tesla, an electric vehicle, it appeared the person also scribbled 'diesel life.'"
#hate #racism #whitesupremacy #whitepeople #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #antisemitism
The conservatory Ives have one point: China has made inroads in our government and threatens our information gathering capabilities. At least, as far as concerns Matt Gaetz.
#whitepeople #china #mattgaetz #fakenews #medialiteracy #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #stateofdemocracy