hiii im a yuri girl who likes video games, visual novels, and anime/manga.
some media i love!! (in no particular order)
#yuri in general lol
#portal #portal2
#pmmm #zeroescape #tsukihime #deltarune #flipflappers #aithesomniumfiles #yuriespoir #bocchitherock #revolutionarygirlutena #yuri #chainsawman #portal #portal2
hiii im a yuri girl who likes video games, visual novels, and anime/manga.
some media i love!! (in no particular order)
#yuri in general lol
#pmmm #zeroescape #tsukihime #deltarune #flipflappers #aithesomniumfiles #yuriespoir #bocchitherock #revolutionarygirlutena #yuri #chainsawman
found out a couple days ago that a youtuber dropped a character analysis of akane kurashiki of #zeroescape , my one and only autistic queen, literally on my bday jfvdjdv
also i got into the fandom after the trilogy already ended so i never took a deep dive into interviews with uchikoshi from that time, but he said he wrote her with the intention to make "the world's worst heroine" 😭😭😭 MY GIRL DID NOTHING WRONG she is innocent of all crimes 💜
hi! i'm viv, a femby that collects scrimblos like pokemon
in terms of what i'm into (as far as i remember):
#hololive (or i guess vtubers in general, i just know hololive better)
#whentheycry (watched both #higurashi and #umineko, currently going through the VNs)
and also i guess generally #indiegames and #anime
used to be really into #homestuck but not as much now
#introduction #minecraft #hololive #whentheycry #higurashi #umineko #aithesomniumfiles #zeroescape #indiegames #anime #homestuck
RT @hempu5@twitter.com
pussy from a girl who died in your arms in the previous timeloop
#robot #gay #pegging #primebeastmultiverse #scudthedisposableassassin #boobunnyplague #thewaltenfiles #marvel #amulet #looneytunes #yugioh #fnaf #zeroescape #sonic
And now the sketch is done, cuz next week, provided I don't have the next comm lined up, this'll be the next piece.
#robot #gay #pegging #primebeastmultiverse #scudthedisposableassassin #boobunnyplague #thewaltenfiles #marvel #amulet #looneytunes #yugioh #fnaf #zeroescape #sonic
Every time I see a photo of a snail, I immediately think of the #ZeroEscape series. A single snail is the indirect cause of the entire series as well as an apocalypse in 2029.
RT @corfisers@twitter.com
ms and mr divorce
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/corfisers/status/1647983988999372801
Clover Field
Vicariously experienced the #ZeroEscape series this past week through let's plays and oh boy what a series. Overall I did think it was deeply fascinating and an interesting story, albeit not one that I could play myself outside of 999 (because I am deeply uncomfortable about being mean to video game characters).
Funnily enough though, my favorite is probably 999, not just because of the spritework and art direction which is phenomenal, but because the ~vibes~ are just different from the others
First meeting at DCOM of Oliver, Starling and Blaze didn't go too well after the couple recognized him from the past. And as it was mostly Oliver together with Starling attacking and screaming at poor, confused boy, I couldn't resist, but to draw it as this meme 😂
#MastoArt #Art #DigitalArt #Nonary #ZeroEscape #RPG #OC #illustration #noai #ZTD #ZeroTimeDilemma #ConfusedCat #Meme
#mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #rpg #oc #illustration #noAI #ztd #zerotimedilemma #confusedcat #meme
"Strange question to ask a firefighter, but... you smoke?"
Drew it for a fresh, new start with the final "Zero Escape" chapter :D So hyped! AND NO SPOILERS PLZ!
That's the first scene we've started our RPG with. New Oliver reveal~ Meeting Blaze (Carlos) at the airport, before going do DCOM
(Guess the quote makes more sense in Polish as smoking can be literally translated to "burning" something~)
#MastoArt #Art #DigitalArt #Nonary #ZeroEscape #RPG #OC #illustration #noai #ZTD #ZeroTimeDilemma
#mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #rpg #oc #illustration #noAI #ztd #zerotimedilemma
And our lovely, bratty Dio for the expression practice ;) Also good to celebrate #caturday ~
#MastoArt #Art #DigitalArt #Nonary #ZeroEscape #RPG #OC #illustration #Expression #Portrait #Sketch #noai #VLR #Dio #VirtuesLastReward
#caturday #mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #rpg #oc #illustration #expression #portrait #sketch #noAI #vlr #dio #virtueslastreward
Lash (7G). Another one for the expression practice!
#MastoArt #Art #DigitalArt #Nonary #ZeroEscape #RPG #OC #illustration #Expression #Portrait #Sketch #noai
#mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #rpg #oc #illustration #expression #portrait #sketch #noAI
Teiso (H6). Just practising expressions with another meme~ Those who remember my train sketches might remember it, as I decided to correct them all digitally xP
#MastoArt #Art #DigitalArt #Nonary #ZeroEscape #RPG #OC #illustration #Expression #Portrait #Sketch #noai
#mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #rpg #oc #illustration #expression #portrait #sketch #noAI
Did you ever feel like your characters live their own life? Cause that's exactly what happens in my RPs x'd And that's how, when writing about Ollie and Starling's childhood, they took the wheel and what was meant to be a short, cheerful story turned into a revolt in which they tried to convince everyone Christmas is fae's conspiracy, who want to take over the world... yes, they believed in it x'')
#mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #rpg #comic #christmas #holidays #revolution #noai
#mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #rpg #comic #christmas #holidays #revolution #noAI
- Zero Escape spoilers below -
When I saw those parent-child matching shirts I just had to draw those two in them 😂 Like, it's even more perfect as Kyle's Sigma's clone! So he's really like copy and paste of his father 🤭
Although, through most of his childhood, Kyle hated their resemblance and always tried to change his appearance. He stopped minding only in his teen years, after their relation got better
#mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #vlr #virtueslastreward #sigma #k #kyle
#mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #vlr #virtueslastreward #sigma #k #kyle
Just a quick sketch inspired by the RPG :D It was such a cute scene of Sigma and his family playing in the snow 💗 Sigma ofc in his fav cat hoodie as a true cat person he is 😌 Purrfect for a #caturday ~
#mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #vlr #virtueslastreward #sigma #sigmaklim #cat #cathoodie
#caturday #mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #vlr #virtueslastreward #sigma #sigmaklim #cat #cathoodie
As we were writing some additional parts to our RPG about Sigma's later life, I felt inspired to draw this portrait of him, partially to show other players how he'd look middle-aged. And I ttly imagine him with a full-dad-beard 😁
#mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #vlr #virtueslastreward #sigma #characterdesign #sigmaklim
#mastoart #art #digitalart #nonary #zeroescape #vlr #virtueslastreward #sigma #characterdesign #sigmaklim
I was going to buy #DanganRonpa 1 and 2 to show support for the franchise (I originally played on the PSP) but my hand slipped and I bought the other #SpikeChunsoft games I haven't played yet. #AiInsomniumFiles #ZeroEscape
#danganronpa #spikechunsoft #aiinsomniumfiles #zeroescape