‘The Strikes Act is the nadir of the Conservatives’ wretched record on living standards’ | Morning Star
#strikesact #tuc #tories #strikesminimumservicelevelsact #UN #workersrights #unworkersrightsarm #internationallabourorganisation #ilo #europeantradeunionconfederation #etuc #fireandrehire #zerohourscontracts #zerohours #unions
Solidarity with the Amazon workers in Coventry ✊
from GPLB: "Amazon workers to go on strike in Coventry"
#Amazon #ZeroHours #FairPay #SupportTheStrikes #EnoughIsEnough #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #enoughisenough #SupportTheStrikes #fairpay #zerohours #amazon
In among the latest #labourmarket data from the ONS is the following:
Over 1.125m people were employed on a #zerohours contract between October to December 2022.
This is an 8.5% increase on the previous quarter & represents an all time high
Young workers, women workers and people born outside the UK are all more like to be in zero hours employment.
Moreover, 1 in 9 workers aged between 16 and 24 (11.7% ) are now on a zero hours contract!
The world of work is precarious for too many
And then putting (ear retired) returnees on #zerohours contracts is certainly not going to help given that's exactly the sort of management bullish*t that may have encouraged their exit from the labour force in the first place
(see report below on rising numbers of over-50s on ZH contracts, the very group the 'mid-life MOT' is going to be aimed at).
h/t @lindaheap for signposting this article this morning!
Zero-hours contracts among over-50s hit highest level recorded
Nothing kills #aspiration quicker than poorly funded schools, lack of university places, #zerohours dead end jobs, a #mortgagecrisis, a soaring #CostOfLiving, lack of #affordablehomes, an unstable #economy, reduced #investment, massive uncertainty and government #corruption.
In other words #tories kill aspiration.
#aspiration #zerohours #mortgagecrisis #CostOfLiving #affordablehomes #economy #investment #corruption #tories #PMQs #tory #labour #ukpolitics
A horrible realisation that I won’t be getting paid in December.
Now I'm a blubbing twat.
(My colleague had 40 hours. She'll have a Happy Christmas.)
#zeroHours #zeroRights
I'm accepting offers on my #perfume listings on ebay. Search user mouseyblue-2008
Thank you.
#zerohours #zerorights #perfume
As a #zeroHours employee, do I also qualify for #ZeroRights?
I'm afraid it's the future for employment in Britain.
With #UKLabour turning their backs on #UKUnions, you/we are powerless.
#AdviceNeeded #zerohours #zerorights #uklabour #ukunions
I'm Nita.
#zerohours library assistant.
#francophile and #perfume seller.
#zerohours #francophile #perfume #gtto
Bitter dispute at #StJamesTavern
Bar staff at the well-known #Brighton watering hole are balloting to down glasses on #zerohours low pay contracts — and potentially sue bosses over alleged harassment, #sexism and #transphobia. The wo…
#FreedomNews #StJamesTavern #brighton #zerohours #sexism #transphobia