Guten Morgen ihr Lieben!
Es ist #Samstag und was heißt das? Genau, es ist #Holarse #Drückblick Zeit! Das Team war bereits fleißig und die Veröffentlichung ist schon abgeschlossen. Diese Woche mit dabei:
* #HavenPark gratis
* #Factorio wird teurer
* DLC für #Stellaris
* DLC für #TransportFever2
* #Farlanders veröffentlicht
* #TinyLife Demo
* #ZeroK mit Engine Update
* #Mineclone2 mit tollem Trailer
* Eine Menge mehr!
Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
... und beim #Linuxgaming
#linuxgaming #mineclone2 #zerok #TinyLife #farlanders #transportfever2 #stellaris #factorio #HavenPark #druckblick #holarse #samstag
So, does anyone know anything about running #ZeroK on #ArchLinux?
I tryied once on Manjaro but for some reason regardless of what #mono package I installed it would not work.
Maybe it's best to wait until they make it to Steam
Pues el otro día hubo un upgrade a un gran juego, #RustedWarfare, un #RTS que corre nativo en #Linux que sigue la línea de clásicos como Total Annihilation o Supreme Commander (estos mismos juegos inspiraron el juego #FOSS #ZeroK ). Me la pasé tan bien que no aguanté las ganas de instalar esos dos juegos, TA y SC, y vaya que ha sido una emocionante visita nostálgica a unos títulos clásicos.
#rustedwarfare #rts #linux #foss #zerok #videojuegosenlinux #wine #proton
Surprised to see zero mentions of the excellent free software real-time-strategy game #ZeroK on here. Anyone else play?
Some interface issues with #ZeroK for instance was looking at a planet i didn't realize i couldn't go there yet... Also have "right mouse-button down to look around" in my system.
Generally in this type of game i feel out of control a bit.. Commanding units conventions seems a little changed from SpringRTS, probably nice to keep stuff aligned..
Got it via the AUR, but it was just an installer.. Ideally it'd act as a normal package.
I'm really liking the FOSS RTS game #zerok It's great to get a few friends around or even to play against the AI (which can be quite challenging, even on "easy")