The new batch of double-sided Zins arrived! Blue hair on one side and black hair on the other.
I had a very small batch manufactured and now I get to figure out how to move them.
It only took 9 years to produce #merch from the show. LOL 😅​
Size discrepancy is because the one on the right is from the previous test batch. I didn't want to unwrap two of the new ones.
It's a short show week! I'm just planning to mop up our Demon's Souls challenge run and then take off until 2023, at which point I'll start a first playthrough of 13 Sentinels.
SHOWTIME! Today, on A Game Designer Plays: we push on for more bosses in our Demon's Souls Butterknife challenge run, I wear a terrible Solaire sweater, and just maybe unveil a surprise for later tonight. ;)
#golive #zerolabs #twitch #demonssouls
The Week at a Glance!
Our Shanksmas Special challenge run continues Tuesday and Thursday -- note the earlier start times -- and there's a reasonable chance that I'll be live on Shanksmas Eve but I have not decided what that content will be just yet!
Maybe Alora will join me that day.
The community requested #Zin for our Demon's Souls challenge run that starts today so I decided to do some legwork in char-gen beforehand and...uh....
It's been an interesting week. After nearly 9 years of broadcasting on #Twitch, I finally bothered to test batch some merch.
It was a long time before anything particularly caught my eye and made me think "yes, that's it. That's what I want made."
Turned out an acrylic standee was what I was waiting for. That, and generating some art I didn't hate. 😅​
I think it turned out pretty reasonably, overall, for a first shot. Shame my phone camera doesn't capture the colors as well as I'd like.
Today, my first ever test batch of merchandise arrived for review. I've been broadcasting for almost 9 years and never developed any merch.
I'm looking forward to unveiling it during tonight's #Twitch show, which will run during the Game Awards because my name matches perfectly how much interest I have in that marketing slog attempting to masquerade as otherwise.
I edited my intro to include this but I thought I'd do the same thing here that I do on Cohost, which is keep specific kinds of content under specific tags so that people can more easily control what kind of content they see from me.
If you want to filter out specific content by tags:
#Design, #Art, and #Illustration are pretty self-explanatory.
#DarkestDungeonII for anything to do with my day job.
#ZeroLabs for anything to do directly with my show.
#Schedule for show timing and plans.
#GoLive if I'm announcing a show start.
#Zin for illustrations/etc. of my show's mascot.
Hope it helps people curate their feeds a bit. :)
#design #art #illustration #darkestdungeonii #zerolabs #schedule #golive #zin