The United States is the wealthiest country on the face of the planet, but when it comes to per-capita government spending, the U.S. is near the bottom of industrialized countries, below even the former Soviet States of Latvia and Estonia.
Why? The 1%, their #Republican stooges, and the persistent lie that when others get ahead, it means they took it from us (#ZeroSum). The wealthy and powerful win when they get us to distrust each other.
I'd be fine with the cage match, if it was introduced with the foreboding voiceover "Two men enter. None leave alive."
#STARTREK #Logical #Thinking #25 - #ZeroSum #Bias
#Trek #LogicalThinking #Philosophy #Spock #Enterprise #TAS #StarTrekTAS #TheAnimatedSeries
#TheAnimatedSeries #StarTrekTAS #tas #enterprise #spock #philosophy #logicalthinking #trek #bias #zerosum #thinking #logical #startrek
Let Go of the #ZeroSum Fallacy and Enjoy Others' Good Fortune
"… people live on real income, not on income shares. With respect to the ability to get the necessaries—food, clothing, and our daily bread—it is better to have a small fraction of a large sum than a large fraction of a small sum."
#envy #economics
I liked the #GameTheory principles discussed in the video that reinforce the need for #collaboration as part of success in the business world:
- Avoid the #ZeroSum game thinking for the benefit of #cooperation by looking for options where both parties to win!
-When you find yourself in a Zero-sum game kind of #negotiation, you should adopt a #MimimaxStrategy to minimize your maximum #loss (makes sense?)
#gametheory #collaboration #zerosum #cooperation #negotiation #mimimaxstrategy #loss #DesignStrategy #businessstrategy #decisionmaking #teamwork
And this ignores the huge indirect cost that this had to ripping apart communities.
It increased homelessness visibility on the streets (feeding populist narratives).
But massively impacted young children because the prime set of households affected were (young) families with children and single moms.
The indirect cost in form of youth crime, poor (mental) health is likely huge. The economic burden of this #zerosum policy will linger for decades.
So yes, there was pointless #austerity.
„Yet rescuing the global order will require bolder American leadership that once again rejects the false promise of zero-sum thinking.“
Stark reminder that #ZeroSum is dangerous
See also: @TheEconomist
“Shame on us
Doomed from the start
May god have mercy on our dirty little hearts”
#music #NineInchNails #ZeroSum
#music #nineinchnails #zerosum
#ZeroSum Thinking and the Roots of U.S. Political Divides
@antonioserrata @iuculano @MelissaJPeltier @jimstewartson Streamers and publishers are all waking up to three realities: There is a limit to the amount of money and time that the public will spend on subscriptions. There's also a limit to the amount of time and attention we have. And... there's also a limit to the amount of advertising budgets marketers allocate. Endless expansion is over. Now we're in a battle of cannibalization. #ZeroSum
The world has a very distorted idea of what's valuable. @rbreich explains it very well here...
Instead, this new Schelm identifies with the desire to dehumanize, name call, and “cancel” anything and anyone they don’t understand. They pick God’s Schelms from the Bible as validation of the divine nature of the project against “those people.” But if you listen carefully, you can hear the siren call of the Schelm to adventure. The spell then might be broken if we were to listen together and share what we hear in our hearts. 7/7 [#bully #superior #inferior #zerosum #sumofus #mutualaid] 🌈❤️
#bully #superior #inferior #zerosum #sumofus #mutualaid
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Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology /
A short guide to zero sum and positive sum mechanics in DeFi and how they matter to users. - cc: @sturdyfinance #positivesum #zerosum
What #DonaldTrump understands.
He has a grim view of #humannature, and he exploited it shrewdly—to a point. His low #expectations and #cynicalconvictions that would carry him so far: that #racialpolitics is a #zerosum contest among tribes; that #allies as well as #enemies must be dominated; that everything in life can be treated as a #transaction
#DonaldTrump #humannature #expectations #cynicalconvictions #racialpolitics #zerosum #allies #enemies #transaction
#COP27: #CarbonTrading is a #zerosum game that does not prevent destruction of our atmosphere. It accelerates it. Annex I States need to pay the money they owe--and agreed to pay today--to all States that have suffered from Annex 1 States overexploitation of our atmosphere.
#zerosum #carbontrading #cop27