Oh yay this will be fun.
#ChapelHillNC #OrangeCountyNC #VisionZero #ZeroVision #nextdoor #RoadSafety #WearBrightClothing #VictimBlaming #PSA
#chapelhillnc #orangecountync #VisionZero #zerovision #nextdoor #roadsafety #WearBrightClothing #victimblaming #psa
Multco library choosing cars instead of #housing even though a driver just killed a librarian who was waiting at the bus stop there. 😞 #Portland #ZeroVision #Libraries #transit #Cars1stAlwaysOnly #CarSupremacy #ClimateCrisis #CarsRuinCities
#housing #portland #zerovision #libraries #transit #cars1stalwaysonly #carsupremacy #climatecrisis #CarsRuinCities
#Portland Bureau of Transportation urges #drivers to slow down on their enormous streets. got #ZeroVision #TrafficEngineeringNegligence / need #SafeStreets #SafetyByDesign #stuffInTheStreet #bollards #BanCars
[image from https://tenforward.social/@the_riker_maneuver/110849482459304523]
#portland #drivers #zerovision #trafficengineeringnegligence #safestreets #safetybydesign #stuffinthestreet #bollards #bancars
Wading through San Francisco’s Injury Crash Data (2014-2023) and seeing a whole lot of “Bicycle Only” crashes with violations - on the cyclist. 🤬
Then I remembered Chris Phipps’ 2020 hit & run crash on Cesar Chavez and wondered if they called that “Bicycle Only” as well. It’s not there. I checked the date, the intersection and it simply isn’t there. Chin stapled, broken ankle, lucky to be alive, and it isn’t there. How many others are missing? #ZeroVision
If a human simply stops in the middle of a bike lane, they are usually ignored by #Oakland ticketing agencies
#VisionZero #ZeroVision
#oakland #visionzero #zerovision
Again, #Muriel knows just how to screw up traffic safety. #ZeroVision #DCpol
How absolutely stupid is DC govt? A strongly worded letter nudge.
So incredibly dumb.
#washingtondc #dmv #ddotdc #zerovision #visionzero
#washingtondc #dmv #ddotdc #zerovision #visionzero
re: why #Portland can't have nice things: The trick is to make each "ride your bike in relatively car-free safety" event an expensive optional line-item requiring lots of money for "traffic control", but frame as unavoidable the $2M+/day we spend letting cars have free reign of the entire system for the other 362 days.
#cars1stAlwaysOnly #ZeroVision #ClimateInaction #PredatoryDelay #transportation #pdxBikes
#portland #cars1stalwaysonly #zerovision #climateinaction #predatorydelay #transportation #pdxbikes
computer! issue citation, send me a check.
#CarOwnerAccountability #autoAutoTicketing #ZeroVision #PBOT #Parking
#carowneraccountability #autoautoticketing #zerovision #pbot #parking
quoted "cyclist ... was hit by a car... has died"
ITTM "person on a bike was hit *with* a car... was killed",
by NYCDOT's negligence, driver etc
#MotoNormativity #cars1stAlwaysOnly #ZeroVision #ResultsNotAccidents
#motonormativity #cars1stalwaysonly #zerovision #resultsnotaccidents
Just saw someone bike along Lake City Way inches away from the bus 😢 where are our dedicated bike lanes? #VisionZero #ZeroVision
19 car lanes between the river and Terwilliger and not a single continuous #pdxBikes lane #ZeroVision #InducedDemand
#pdxbikes #zerovision #induceddemand
system working as-designed, 35 in a 25mph zone etc
#InducedDemand #TrafficEngineering failure #pdxBikes #Portland #ZeroVision
#induceddemand #trafficengineering #pdxbikes #portland #zerovision
"#VisionZero commitments that appear to be little more than empty promises, given that traffic deaths in these cities continue to mount.
As those cities have shirked their responsibility to protect even non-driving residents, they’ve driven away (no pun intended) households like mine: young families that want to raise their children in a place where not every crosswalk is a gauntlet." #ZeroVision plans like #Portland's give no mandate to prioritize a low-stress bikeway network or to reduce VMT.
#visionzero #zerovision #portland
fucking absurd #Portland #PBOT Bureau and Budget Advisory Committee meeting talking about cutting #SundayParkways and #SafeRoutesToSchool to get people's attention so ted can have his useless parking price discount. Nobody talking about cutting the service being provided to CARS, when every mile driven is a net drain on the city budget. #ClimateDenial #ZeroVision
#portland #pbot #sundayparkways #saferoutestoschool #climatedenial #zerovision
#PBOT's response to this trackit # 2560675 "This is a police matter." 🙃 we all know police can't and won't do anything about PBOT's flawed designs, so I guess we can just cut all of the traffic "Engineers" from the budget. 🤷 #VisionZero / #ZeroVision #DefundCars
#pbot #visionzero #zerovision #defundcars
Great piece.
Read it and weep.
#ZeroVision from #SanFrancisco leaders who committed so long ago to #VisionZero. #demoralizing #bike #SafeInfrastructureNow
#zerovision #sanfrancisco #visionzero #demoralizing #bike #safeinfrastructurenow
We all mostly agree on the goal of #VisionZero to never kill anybody with cars but where the rubber meets the road we have #ZeroVision of how to accomplish this in America. If traffic "Engineers" don't set an overarching priority to reduce car miles traveled (VMT) and make drastic reallocations of road space to bikes, we are not going to get there. More than any amount of money you could lobby to spend on flashing beacons, the outcome depends on which lanes you cut when space gets tight.
Taking a kid to a suburban birthday party by bike is always sketchy but in this case the place is right on the bike path (except for the gap over the 🤬 freeway and a couple more #MUTCDWTFs along the way, thanks governor and state highway department, traffic "Engineers", mayors etc, for blithely selling out our children and freedom.)
#traffic #InducedDemand #transportation #ClimateCrisis #CarSupremacy #ZeroVision
#mutcdwtfs #traffic #induceddemand #transportation #climatecrisis #carsupremacy #zerovision
SL68173 #BadDriver #BadEnforcement #BadEngineering #ZeroVision #BanSUVs #BanCars #Portland SW 10th & Alder
#baddriver #badenforcement #badengineering #zerovision #bansuvs #bancars #portland