In which @Rushkoff unpacks the anxieties of the real life #Zetas...
"Finally, the CEO of a brokerage house explained that he had nearly completed building his own underground bunker system and asked, “How do I maintain authority over my security force after the event?”
Al igual que MĂ©xico, la verdadera fĂ© de narco sicarios narco polĂticos narco mercenarios y narco paramilitares es el NarcoSatanismo... #uribe #zetas #kabiles #cia #skullandbones #neonaziCocaine
#uribe #zetas #kabiles #cia #skullandbones #neonazicocaine
Un informe revela el control que ejercĂan Los Zetas en MĂ©xico
#zetas #MĂ©xico #narco