Visualize yourself as needing nothing, desiring nothing, having nothing, and doing nothing⏤letting body and mind drop away⏤you as The Creative, Being, Serenity, Bliss, Freedom⏤Everything.
#zhenren #tao #meditation #creativity #bliss #freedom
Visualize yourself as Being Awareness, consciously feeling and exploring sensations⏤responding to each of them, without attaching to any of them.
#zhenren #tao #meditation #being #creativity #consciousness #awareness
#zhenren #tao #meditation #being #creativity #consciousness #awareness
Experience yourself as Being, without any fear today⏤no stress, no worry, no concerns, no fuss⏤however hard your mind tries to convince you otherwise, all answers are already provisioned to you from The Creative.
#zhenren #creativity #being #stress #worry #answers #meditation #fear
#zhenren #creativity #being #stress #worry #answers #meditation #fear
Recognize your True Self as Being, as a singular, Creative Consciousness⏤poised, serene, and joy-filled⏤as Pure Awareness, beyond all mind-made frameworks of space or time.
#zhenren #creativity #tao #Being #space #time #joy #serenity #Sunday #SundayMorning
#zhenren #creativity #tao #being #Space #time #joy #serenity #sunday #sundaymorning
Experience your True Nature as Purified Consciousness, as Being, beyond any identification with this or that, form or formlessness, or any other contrasting description⏤you as The Creative, The Creative as you.
#zhenren #tao #meditation #being #creativity #consciousness #being
#zhenren #tao #meditation #being #creativity #consciousness
Visualize yourself choosing compassion toward that which you initially feel aversion toward⏤without opposing or accepting, mindfully composing a gentle response rather than reacting.
#zhenren #response #reaction #mindfulness #compassion #tao #meditation
#zhenren #response #reaction #mindfulness #compassion #tao #meditation
Visualize yourself letting go of words, concepts, descriptions, and explanations⏤with nothing you need to know or learn⏤you as relaxed, effortless, breathing Awareness⏤This is All.
#zhenren #reminder #awareness #meditation #freedom #breathe #thisness
#zhenren #reminder #awareness #meditation #freedom #breathe #thisness
Visualize yourself at ease in The Universe, undisturbed by distress, comfortable in the assurance that The Creative will perfectly resolve any "difficulty" that arises today.
#zhenren #tao #creativity #life #resolve #faith #wuwei #meditation
#zhenren #tao #creativity #life #resolve #faith #wuwei #meditation
Experience your confident faith in the The Creative's guidance⏤there is nothing you must do, accomplish, or control⏤relaxed and at ease, you are the Destination, the Path, and the Traveler.
#zhenren #path #wuwei #meditation #creativity #relax
Visualize yourself as Being, in absolute harmony with the whole of existence, flowing effortlessly⏤action without acting, motion without moving, everything and nothing⏤serenely One with The Creative.
#zhenren #harmony #truth #meditation #yoga #creativity #being
#zhenren #harmony #truth #meditation #yoga #creativity #being
Recognize yourself as The Truth, as Being seeing its Self⏤manifested and individuated⏤yet eternally One with the Creative Source.
#zhenren #trueperson #truth #meditation #creativity #being
Visualize yourself as a positive source of encouragement today⏤you as The Creative’s walking, breathing, message of compassion for all living beings and circumstances.
#zhenren #wuwei #compassion #encouragement #creativity #tao
Visualize yourself, without dread or fear, confidently facing any “problem” that arises today⏤you are strengthened and guided by The Universe and The Creative to easily and effortlessly resolve whatever unfurls.
#zhenren #wuwei #creativity #fearless #tao
Visualize yourself without a name, a word, a label, a concept, or a pre-(concept)-ion about anything arising in the sensory fields⏤experiencing your True Nature as Awareness purified and free from mental activity⏤you, as Emptiness-Being-Presence, beyond any limiting constructs of the mind.
#zhenren #awareness #meditation
Visualize yourself without any need or compulsion for explanations or descriptions⏤freed from conditioned definitions of every thing, you experience The Experience Itself⏤your Self as Pure Awareness.
#zhenren #experience #awareness #freedom
Visualize yourself shifting attention away from self-importance to self-transcendence⏤surrendering the ego's false sense of existence in favor of Being Pure Awareness.
#zhenren #awareness #meditation #being #self
Visualize yourself experiencing Life directly, without any pretense or any pre-conditioning–with Absolute Love and Gratitude for whatever unfolds within your Awareness.
#zhenren #awareness #meditation #love #gratitude #experience
#zhenren #awareness #meditation #love #gratitude #experience
Experience your True Self, beyond any notion of an identity, a persona, a mask, or even a name—you as a single point of ineffable Awareness, One with The Creative, as vast and as immeasurable as The Universe.
#zhenren #awareness #meditation #creativity