This is one I've wanted to get out for a year now, For those not up to date on their Simpsonslore, Zia is Lisa and Milhouse's daughter from the Season 23 episode "Holidays of Futures passed" it was originally written as the Series Finale but the show just keeps going, Highly recommended by the way best written episode in the show's history
#Lisamania23 #Lisa_Simpson #Milhouse_Van_Houten #Zia_Simpson
#lisamania23 #lisa_simpson #milhouse_van_houten #zia_simpson
Lisa's daughter, Zia, learns about her mother's secret lesbian past. This story is partially inspired by the Season 23 episode: Holidays of Future Passed.
#lisa_simpson #zia_simpson #simpsons #the_simpsons #simpcest #mothers_day #incest
#incest #lisa_simpson #zia_simpson #simpsons #the_simpsons #simpcest #mothers_day